
present difficulties造句

present difficulties造句

1、Why do you want to leave your current company? Please give us a few factors that course you leave. What are your biggest difficulties in your present work?(请举例哪几种因素可以使你不离开现在的公司?目前的工作中你碰到最大的困难是什么?)

2、Six Sigma is an ideal tool to help enterprises to solve thepresent difficulties.(六西格玛将是一个理想的工具来帮助企业解决目前的困难。)

3、We are quite sure that we can get over ourpresent difficulties and finish the task according to schedule.(我们非常有把握能解决目前的困难按时完成任务。)

4、The House maypresent difficulties but the Visitors' Centre, its exhibition, and the garden are accessible to wheelchair users.(这宅子除游客中心外可能对残疾人来说存在一些困难,但坐轮椅的人可轻松参观展览和花园。)

5、Mr Polanski has made a perfect film of Mr Harris's intricate page-turner-one that will outlast his ownpresent difficulties, and Mr Blair's as well.(波兰斯基把哈里斯情节复杂、引人入胜的小说改编成了完美的影片,不论是麻烦缠身的波兰斯基,还是深陷困境的布莱尔,这部影片的生命力都比他们长。)

6、The fifth is conclusion, indictspresent difficulties which exists in character evidence research in china.(第五部分为结语,说明目前我国品格证据规则问题研究存在的困难。)

7、According to thepresent difficulties and problems existent in bit selection, the paper proposes bit selection using logging data.(根据目前国内在钻头选型方面存在的困难和问题,提出了利用测井资料进行钻头选型。)

8、Thepresent difficulties D. stem from our failure to deal with the problem when it first arose.(现在的可能难是由于问题开始时我们的错误处理的结果。)

9、But at the same time it also knows that the military clique at present has to overcome not only external but international difficulties.(但与此同时,现在的军阀派系要克服的不仅是国内的困局而且来自国际的困局。)

10、He said that differences still remained at present. However, just because of the existence of differences, difficulties or even conflicts of interests, the peace-talk process must be continued.(他说,目前还存在一些分歧,但是正因为还存在着一些分歧、困难、甚至矛盾,才有必要把会谈进程继续下去。)

11、The human emotions and the meaning of human behaviorpresent difficulties in measurement much greater than those encountered in learning to measure steel or gold.(但这一切仅仅是人类必须更加了解自己。比起钢或金的纯度测量而言,对人类情感与行为意义的衡量更是难上加难。)

12、Blind faith and impetuosity have led them into theirpresent difficulties.(盲从和狂热使他们陷入目前的困境。)

13、I am confident your country will, with that strength of character as you have exhibited as well as your capable leadership, successfully overcome thepresent difficulties.(我深信,凭着你所显现的坚强个性,以及在你的英明领导下,贵国定能克服目前的困难。)

14、Drilling in gravel stratum is one ofpresent difficulties in drilling area with low drilling speed, short service life of bit and high drilling cost.(卵砾石地层钻进是钻探的难题之一,不仅钻进速度低,钻头的使用寿命短,而且钻探成本高。)

15、If we can get overpresent difficulties, then everything should be all right.(如果我们克服了目前的困难,那么一切都应该好起来。)

16、Deflation across the economy is not a problem (yet), but deflation in the housing market is the source of many of ourpresent difficulties.(经济的通货紧缩并不是问题,真正的问题在于房地产市场的紧缩。它是造成现今经济困难的根源所在。)

17、If we can get over ourpresent difficulties, then everything should be all right.(如果我们能克服现在的困难,那么一切都会好起来。)

18、Given thepresent difficulties in selling farm produce, to guide farmers to do business or seek jobs in cities will help increase the income of farmers.(在当前农产品普遍卖难的情况下,引导农民进城务工经商,对增加农民收入具有重要意义。)

19、The country'spresent difficulties arise from the reduced value of its money.(该国目前的困难起因于其货币的贬值。)

20、As discussed above, this canpresent difficulties both in traversing the document to find the desired node and in retrieving the value of the node.(正如上面所讨论的,这会为遍历文档来查找期望的节点和检索节点值带来困难。)

21、This is useful for irrigation, but the high temperatures, low humidities, and different day lengths of the dry season, compared to the normal growing season, canpresent difficulties with some crops.(这对于灌溉是有用的,但是旱季的高温、低湿度和不同于正常生长季节的白昼长度,会给一些作物的生长带来困难。)

present difficulties 基本释义

present difficulties