
presence of mind造句

presence of mind造句

1、Somehow, my husband had thepresence of mind to bring Sadie back upstairs and gave her a couple of shampoos in the tub, which helped get the smell off of her coat, but the house was still unbearable.(我丈夫不知怎么突然想到把赛迪带回到楼上的浴缸里,并在浴缸里倒了好几瓶洗发剂,这样可以帮助洗掉她外套上的臭气。不过家里的味道还是让人难以忍受。)

2、Dangers will arise in any career butpresence of mind will often conquer the worst of them. be prepared for any fate and there is no harm to be feared.(凡事都有危险,但镇定沉着往往能克服最严重的危险。对一切祸福做好准备,那么就没有什么灾难可以害怕的了。)

3、He answered her like a schoolboy, too destitute ofpresence of mind to do otherwise than to yield passively to her impulse.(他像个小学生一样回答她,那种毫无表情的镇定,只是被动地回应她的那份冲动。)

4、Tom was so stunned that he had not evenpresence of mind enough to say, "Who cares, Miss Smarty?"(汤姆十分惊愕,连一句话也说不出来:“谁在乎呢,自以为是小姐?”)

5、I have never seen anyone have thepresence of mind to do it.(我之前也从来没有见过有这种做法的人存在。)

6、He had thepresence of mind to record the scene on video.(他镇定自若地用摄像机录下现场。)

7、The boy had thepresence of mind to turn off the gas.(那男孩子镇定地关掉了煤气。)

8、Much appreciated, is joy and happiness, but many in the magnanimouspresence of mind.(远远的欣赏,是快乐和幸福的,但多存在于坦荡的心灵中。)

9、With greatpresence of mind a fireman pulled the driver away from the burning cab.(一位消防员急中生智,将司机从燃烧的车里拉出来。)

10、"The fear of ill exceeds the ill we fear." Dangers will arise in any career, butpresence of mind will often conquer the worst of them.(“怕祸害比祸害本身更可怕。”凡事都有危险,但镇定沉着往往能克服最严重的危险。)

11、Now it is for these deaf children to show their skills,presence of mind and courage to save their Leader and prove their worth.(现在是为了这些聋哑儿童的技能,存在的精神和勇气,以挽救他们的领导者,并证明他们的价值。)

12、Telepresence withoutpresence of mind.(没有气定神闲的临场感。)

13、A person with amnesia may not be able to identify his or her location or have thepresence of mind to seek medical care.(一位遗忘症的患者可能不知道自己在哪,或是不知道自己该去看医生。)

14、Arcane Explosion is now instant cast and will no longer remove thepresence of mind effect when used.(奥爆现在是一个瞬发法术而且在使用后不会去掉气定神闲的效果。)

15、Tom was so stunned that he had not evenpresence of mind enough to say "Who cares, Miss Smarty?" until the right time to say it had gone by.(汤姆一下子被说懵了,等他转过神来要反驳一声“去你的吧,自以为是小姐”时,为时已晚。)

16、Herpresence of mind had not completely deserted her; but she could not have trusted herself to speak.(她还没有完全失去镇静,一时却又找不出话可说。(主语转换为宾语,宾语转换为主语))

17、It was the combination of my mother'spresence of mind and my devil-may-care activism which did the job: her wits and my guts, in other words.(这项工作的完成结合了妈妈的沉着和我不顾一切的行动主义:换句话说,她的智慧和我的勇气。)

18、He has thepresence of mind to answer these embarrassing questions.(他能镇定自如地回答这些会使人为难的问题。)

19、Fortunately someone had thepresence of mind to snap off a picture, preserving the soapy creature for posterity.(幸亏现场有人还保持着清醒的头脑,迅速拿出相机捕捉到这一幕,将这个肥皂泡动物的瞬间永远记录下来。)

20、He answered these embarrassing questions withpresence of mind.(他镇定自若的回答了这些令人为难的问题。)

21、I'm glad she had thepresence of mind to take down the car's registration number.(我很高兴她能够镇定地记下那辆车的车牌号。)

22、Jack seems to have lost hispresence of mind in his work.(杰克在工作上存在神不守舍的心态。)

23、What is better thanpresence of mind in a railway accident? Absence of body.(火车发生事故时什么比镇定自若还好?身体不在现场。)

24、Wade did not lose hispresence of mind during the terrible accident.(韦德在可怕的事故中镇定自如。)

25、Still, smaller investors should keep in mind that the presence of major cornerstone investors shows underlying market weakness, not necessarily bullishness.(但较小的投资者应该记住,大型基石投资者的存在显示的往往是背后市况的疲态而不一定是牛劲。)

presence of mind 基本释义

presence of mind

英 [ˈprezəns ɔv maind] 美 [ˈprɛzəns ʌv maɪnd] 
