
power plant造句

power plant造句

1、They carjack a taxi and head to thepower plant.(他们拦劫了一辆的士,向电厂开去。)

2、Nuclearpower plant - Kalininskaya is the closest to Moscow.(卡里宁·斯卡亚是离莫斯科最近的核电厂。)

3、Critics quipped that IIT's only church spire was the chimney of itspower plant.(评论家们打趣说,就连教堂的塔尖看上去也和发电站的烟囱一样。)

4、It's said that thepower plant is now twice as large as what it was.(据说这座发电厂现在是原来的两倍大。)

5、In contrast, consider Sweden's experience with the Forsmark nuclearpower plant.(与之相反的是,瑞典人建造福什马克核电站的经验更可为鉴。)

6、A large solarpower plant generates energy during the day.(一家大型太阳能电厂在白天发电。)

7、But so did the currentpower plant network.(但是建设当前的发电网也不容易。)

8、This will be Finland's sixth nuclearpower plant.(这将是芬兰的第六个核电站。)

9、The solepower plant has been shut down.(唯一的火电厂已经关闭。)

10、But for now, there are no new rules onpower plant waste.(但是现在,并没有新的法规用来限制发电厂的排放。)

11、Mountains of coal from the mine await use at thepower plant.(发电厂等着用大量的煤炭。)

12、Thepower plant generates electricity for 8 Russian regions.(该电厂发的电供给俄罗斯的八个地区使用。)

13、An Ormat geothermalpower plant in Nevada.(Ormat在内华达州的地热发电厂。)

14、The conflict has been surfacing since 2002, when the corporation bought Vermont's only nuclearpower plant, an aging reactor in Vernon.(冲突从2002年以来就初现端倪,那时公司购买了佛蒙特州唯一的核电站,那是一个位于弗农的老化反应堆。)

15、At thepower plant Jessica approaches Jack again.(在电厂,杰西卡再次走近杰克。)

16、power plant pollution from coal plants is still a huge issue.(但火电厂产生的污染仍然是个大问题。)

17、The 500 speakers required the power of an entire districtpower plant.(那500个扬声器需要一整个区域发电厂所发的电。)

18、The world's largest solarpower plant is located in Kremer Junction California.(世界上最大的太阳能发电厂位于加利福尼亚州的克里默枢纽。)

19、The area's homes and stores get heat from the Vertesipower plant.(因为威尔·泰西发电厂,该区的房子和商店变得火热。)

20、Is it used in controlling a nuclearpower plant or a game of solitaire?(它是用于控制一台核能设备还是一种单人纸牌游戏呢?)

21、The project is consisted of a modern hoggery, goose house and methanepower plant.(该项目由现代化养猪场、现代化养鹅场、以及沼气发电厂组成。)

22、Smoke stacks are seen at a coalpower plant in West Virginia.(图中所见为西弗吉尼亚州燃煤电厂的烟囱。)

23、Tsunamis, earthquakes,power plant meltdowns.(海啸、地震、动力装置的炉心熔化。)

24、In thepower plant, that process is slowed down by control rods.(在核电站,控制棒使反应过程减慢。)

25、Nuclearpower plant, largepower plant, civil airports and large wharves;(核电厂、大型发电厂、民用机场、大型港口;)

26、With the 10mw Tower, they hope to someday create apower plant you can live in.(通过这座可发电10兆瓦的高塔,他们希望今后会出现一座可以住人的发电厂。)

27、At the Palmerpower plant breakfast, Jack is apprehended by Secret Service.(在帕默举办早餐会的电厂里,杰克被特勤处逮捕了。)

power plant 基本释义

power plant

英 [ˈpauə plɑ:nt] 美 [ˈpaʊɚ plænt] 

第三人称复数:power plants

名词发电厂; 发电站; 电动装置; 发电机