1、He told her toplead guilty.(他告诉她最好认罪。)
2、Shipman firmly refused toplead guilty. His motives remain a mystery.(希普曼坚不认罪,他的动机依然成谜。)
3、In a countrywith a conviction rate of over 99%—and where even defence lawyers urge clientstoplead guilty—this was a deep embarrassment.(在一个定罪率超过99%的国家——甚至辩护律师会催促委托人认罪——这非常的难堪。)
4、His lawyer says Atlanta Falcon's quarterback Michael Vick willplead guilty to Federal Dogfighting Conspiracy Charges.(亚特兰大鹰队的四分卫迈克尔vick的律师称迈克尔将对其斗狗的指控服罪。)
5、Personal branding is most common amongst the digital elite - the bloggers, social media mavens, tech execs (ok, Iplead guilty).(树立个人品牌的活动在数字精英中较为普遍——博客、社交媒体。)
6、If you didn'tplead guilty, they would throw the book at you.(如果你不认罪,他们将会重重惩罚你。)
7、Judge Randall White: and knowing that, you wish toplead guilty?(兰德尔·怀特法官:在这个前提下,你认罪了吗?)
8、Bernie Madoff was expected toplead guilty to charges relating to his Ponzi scheme, the biggest fraud in history.(普遍预测认为,伯纳德·麦道夫会就他所构建的庞式骗局认罪。这是历史上最大的诈骗案。)
9、The old man did notplead guilty in the court at the beginning.(在庭上那个老人一开始并没有为犯罪辩解。)
10、NPR's Howard Berkes reports a former executive of Massey Energy has agreed toplead guilty to two federal conspiracy crimes.(据npr新闻的霍华德·伯克斯报道,梅西能源公司一位前高管承认两项联邦罪行。)
11、Myers is the first high-ranking employee in WorldCom toplead guilty.(迈尔斯是世界通讯的员工中,第一位坦承有罪的高阶主管。)
12、He says, Iplead guilty, but your physics is useless at this length scale.(他说,我没有错,而是你的物理在这个尺度上没有用武之地。)
13、Siemens cooperated extensively and admitted to ACTS like falsifying its records. But it did notplead guilty to bribery.(西门子公司非常合作,承认了例如伪造公司档案等违法行为,但其否认进行贿赂一罪。)
14、I'm very angry. Iplead guilty to that!(我火气很大,我是罪有应得。)
15、He was encouraged toplead guilty to the lesser offence.(有人怂恿他供认犯了那个较轻的罪行。)
16、Iplead guilty as charged.(我被起诉为有罪。)
17、In the face of so much evidence, the thief was forced toplead guilty.(在大量证据面前,那个小偷不得不低头认罪。)
18、Innocent defendants mayplead guilty in return for a shorter sentence to avoid the risk of a much longer one.(无辜的被告人为了减少刑期可能会承认自己有罪。)
19、In addition, constitutive elements of the traffic accident crime and the theory of self-plead guilty could also have research value.(此外还有交通肇事犯罪基本构成以及自首能否成立等问题,也具有研究价值。)
20、Do youplead guilty to stealing the bicycle?(你承认偷了这辆自行车吗?)
21、Toplead guilty to a lesser charge so as to avoid standing trial for a more serious charge.(坦白从宽承认有罪以求轻判并避免遭受较为严重的惩罚。)
22、Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime weplead guilty.(你们是责备我们要消灭父母对子女的剥削吗?我们承认这种罪状。)
plead guilty
英 [pli:d ˈɡilti] 美 [plid ˈɡɪlti]
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