
personal conferences造句

personal conferences造句

1、He has a blustery personal style and campaigns tirelessly for his company, speaking at dozens of conferences and events each year all over the world.(鲍尔默有着风风火火的个人风格。他不知疲倦地为他的公司做宣传,每年转着圈地在全世界参加各种会议和活动,进行几十场演讲。)

2、With personal anecdotes about Tolstoy conferences, ice-castles in st Petersburg and a summer spent in Samarkand, she also captures the way life can be as mystifying and profound as these books.(巴图曼写到了关于托尔斯泰学术会议的个人亲历的趣闻、圣彼得堡的冰城堡和在撒马尔罕度过的一个夏天,也捕捉到了生活可以像这些书一样既神秘又深奥的方式。)

3、The lab often identifies promising young scientists through personal recommendations or first-hand observation, at conferences, for example.(该实验室经常通过个人推荐或第一手观察(例如在[学术]会议上)来挑出有前途的年轻科学家。)

4、Selectable microphone sensitivity allows optimal recording of personal dictation, small conferences or lecture halls.(最佳录音麦克风灵敏度选择允许个人听写、会议或演讲厅。)

personal conferences 基本释义

personal conferences