1、It is about time that both sides got together and smoked thepeace pipe.(差不多到了双方该聚在一起讲和的时候了。)
2、So long as Afghan women are kept in terrified servitude and poverty, peace for that country is likely to remain a pipe dream, let alone any hope of prosperity.(只要奴役和贫穷阴魂不散地缠绕着阿富汗的女人们,这个国家的和平就如同镜花水月,更别说任何对繁荣的憧憬。)
3、You're forgiven. Let's smoke apeace pipe.(我原谅你了,让我们和好吧。)
4、His philosophical draft Perpetual Peace was no idealistic pipe dream.(他的哲学草稿《论永久和平》并非理想主义者的空想。)
5、As is also their belief smoking ganja, weed or gank is known as the proper way for the Rastafarians to converse with their god - much like prayer or apeace pipe of sorts.(抽大麻也是他们的信仰,塔法里教徒认为烟草或调情是他们与神交谈的最好方式——类似于祈祷或各种和睦烟斗。)
peace pipe
英 [pi:s paip] 美 [pis paɪp]