
pass the time造句

pass the time造句

1、And you might even get into a conversation topass the time while you're waiting.(甚至在你等候的时候,你可以和其他人聊天来打发时间。)

2、Just topass the time of day with him — (shivers.) Like a raw wind that gets to the bone.(想想每天跟他一起过日子,——(一阵战栗)就像一阵阴冷的风侵袭入骨。)

3、No music to float about to, and no gaming topass the time, it sounds rather like the whole trip wasn't really worth it to be honest.(没有音乐可以听,也不能玩游戏来打发时间。说实话,这趟太空游听起来真的很不值。)

4、One of the fun benefits of running there is that we can play "spot the celebrity" to helppass the time.(在那儿跑步的一个好处就是我们能以“看名人”为乐趣来打发时光。)

5、I only played it a little while and didn't get addicted like other people I know, but I have to admit it's a fun way topass the time.(但是我从中获得很多乐趣。我每天只玩一小会儿,而不是像很多人那样沉迷于其中,不过这的确不失是一个消磨时光的好方法。)

6、When we're sitting in a cafe and you don't feel like speaking, I would still happilypass the time with you in silence.(在街头的咖啡厅,如果你不想说话,我愿意陪你度过一段安静的时光。)

7、And with Delta Air Lines now starting to offer Internet connection on board, passengers are no longer restricted topass the time with movies on the IFE system.(现在,达美航空已经开始在机上覆盖互联网连接,乘客无需继续局限于通过机上娱乐系统看电影消磨时间了。)

8、Testing my language skills on unsuspecting bystanders is a great way topass the time, improve my language, and, in some cases, make a friend!(在毫无疑心的陌生人身上测试我的语言技巧,是一种很好的消磨时间,提高语言能力,某些情况下,还可以交朋友的方式。)

9、Under the girders and in the surrounding gardens are spots where people canpass the time .(钢架下方和周边花园是可供人们休闲的场所。)

10、First they were playing in the cafe, close to midnight Shi You went to Silver Lake went on topass the time.(他们先是在网吧玩,接近凌晨时又跑到银湖接着打发时间。)

11、He was an old emigre gentleman, blind and penniless, who was playing his flute in his attic, in order topass the time.(那是一个年老的流亡贵族,又瞎又穷,待在他那间顶楼上,吹着笛子来解解闷的。)

12、Although I spoke to him a number of times, it was only topass the time of day.(我虽然和他说过许多次话,但都是寒喧而已。)

13、I find that my main goal now is to find creative ways topass the time until the next nap.(我发现我现在的主要目标是找到创造性的方法来打发时间,直到下一次小憩。)

14、Hours later, we discovered one satisfying way topass the time in the country.(几个小时后,我们发现了一种令人满意的在乡下打发时间的方法。)

15、It is more like an attempt topass the time — like a game of solitaire, or flipping a coin.(它更像是试图去消磨时间——比如玩单人纸牌游戏,或只是随意摆弄一枚硬币。)

16、It's cold and raining outside, so for something topass the time, I switch on my old shortwave radio, and turn the dial aimlessly.(外面挺冷的,还下着雨。为了找点儿事儿打发时间,我打开了短波收音机,胡乱调着频道。)

17、Topass the time, I'd play a game by trying to cover the bottom of the barrel with corks I drilled before the foreman came along to empty it out.(为了打发时间,我自己发明了一个游戏,在领班过来取软木塞前将装木塞的桶底用木塞塞得满满当当的。)

18、You can also talk as you are exercising, which is a great way topass the time.(您也可以谈论你的行使,这是一个伟大的方式打发时间。)

19、Topass the time, I take out my pad, draw a schematic of the first house my parents bought: Westminster Road, Rochester, New York.(为了消磨时间,我拿出了我的素描簿,话来一张我父母的第一所房子的透视图”威斯米斯特路,罗切斯特市,纽约。)

pass the time 基本释义

pass the time