
pass on造句

pass on造句

1、The Japanese side will cooperate with China topass on the baton of World Expo.(日方将与中国合作,将世界博览会接力棒传递好。)

2、Crop prices may rise as farmerspass on irrigation costs.(谷物价格也会上涨,因为农场主在灌溉上投入了大量成本。)

3、Thanks. I'm going topass on dessert, if you don't mind.(谢谢,您若不介意,我就免了饭后甜点吧。)

4、The Pakistanis had their guys and wouldpass on information, " Keller said.(巴基斯坦的线人获得的信息也会传递给我们,”凯勒说。)

5、But one big change is the last question: how do Ipass on the cost?(但是一个较大的变化是最后一个问题:如何传递成本?)

6、Impulse buying is not a habit we want topass on to our kids.(没有人想把冲动型购买的习惯传递给我们的孩子。)

7、By analogy, memes also get replicated and in the processpass on cultural information from person to person, generation to generation.(以此类推,模因也被复制,并且在这个过程中,文化信息在人与人之间、代际之间进行传递。)

8、I think I'llpass on the swimming.(我想我不会去游泳。)

9、This is excellent information that she canpass on to her partner!(她可以把这条重要的信息传给她的伴侣。)

10、I'dpass on the movie, staying at home is better.(看电影我就不去了,不如在家呆着呢。)

11、An example of how the connection can influence us is when our weak-ties get in touch andpass on details about jobs they think might be suitable for us.(一个关系如何影响我们的例子就是,与我们有弱关系的人联系我们,并告知他们认为可能适合我们的工作的细节。)

12、The birdspass on to offspring the capacity to make these changes.(鸟类传递给后代这种能力来作出这些改变。)

13、They have come to us topass on their valuable experience.(他们给我们传经送宝来了。)

14、Genes are replicators thatpass on information about properties and characteristics of organisms.(基因是传递生物属性和特征信息的复制因子。)

15、To tell a story, then, is topass on the message, to share the work of art.(那么,讲故事既是向人们传播讯息,并和他们分享这个作品。)

16、Through regular regional educational meetings, a large annual meeting, individual farm visits and thousands of phone calls, the Amburghspass on the principles of pasture management.(通过定期的区域教育、大型年度会议、个人农场参观和数千次电话访问,Amburgh家族传递着牧场管理的原则。)

17、May I trouble you topass on a message to her?(烦您给她捎个信儿。)

18、Conversations are interrupted by mobile phones as peoplepass on the latest news.(会谈被人们用来传递最新消息的手机所打断。)

19、Most funds alsopass on these gains to investors in a distribution.(大多数基金会把这笔收入回报给投资者。)

20、Read it, and thenpass on its message to others.(去阅读他,然后把信息带给别人。)

21、I'llpass on the Fried potato crisp, but take the porridge.(炸土豆片我不吃了,粥还是要喝的。)

22、Don’tpass on things which they have told you in confidence, either.(也不要宣扬他们私下里告诉你的事情。)

23、Sharing needles, syringes, spoons, filters or water canpass on the virus.(共用针头,注射器,勺子,过滤器或水都可能传递病毒。)

24、As in a previous study, the monkeys were given a third choice that would allow them topass on to a new trial.(在之前的研究中,猴子们得到了第三种选择,使他们可以继续进行新的试验。)

25、Already some are raising prices topass on the higher cost to customers.(已经有一些钢厂在提高价格,以便把更高的成本转嫁给顾客。)

26、Ipass on any opportunity I see that I can't add value on.(我放弃了所有我觉得不能使其增值的机会。)

27、These special chickens canpass on their drug-producing ability to their children.(这些独特的鸡可以把它们的制毒能力遗传给它们的孩子。)

pass on 基本释义

pass on

英 [pɑ:s ɔn] 美 [pæs ɑn] 
