1、He said good-bye at last to the girlfriend, graduated and let thempart company with each other.(他和女朋友终于分手了,毕业让他们分道扬镳。)
2、You see, that is where I absolutelypart company with people on that side of the fence, because that is fundamentalism.(你瞧,这就是我与另一方的人存在完全的分歧的地方。)
3、But you are part of a team with three or four people building that product, the company might be fifteen to twenty or might be five, but the point is how much influence do you have.(但你是三四人小组的一员,制造同一个产品,那个公司也可能有十五人,二十人或者只有五人,但关键是你们能有多大影响力。)
4、With GE Capital acting as a drag on the company, he vows that in the future finance will be a smaller part of the company.(因为通用资本在集团扮演着拖油瓶的角色,他发誓,在未来金融只会是通用很小的一部分业务。)
5、It's hard to see in the picture, but even the boots are part of the uniform: black, with red LACES, and company logos on the back.(图片上看不大清楚,但其实他们穿的鞋子也是制服的一部分:黑色,红鞋带,背后有公司的logo。)
6、Why do people say that they trust scientists in general butpart company with them on specific issues?(为什么人们说,在一般问题上,信任科学家,但是他们在部分公司的具体问题上除外?)
7、In Part 3, you begin to deal with the financial aspects of running a company.(在第3部分中,我们开始着手公司运营过程中所涉及的财务方面的问题。)
8、The Freibergs recommend having lunch with colleagues from different part of the company.(弗赖推荐与公司不同部门的同事共进午餐。)
9、Managers, for their part, rely on bosses for making connections with the rest of the company, for setting priorities, and for obtaining critical resources.(而经理作为他们中的一部分,依赖上司来和公司的剩余部分发生联系,像制定优先计划,获得急需的资源等。)
10、I think my new answer to this question is the best way to start a company is not to, is to be part of a founding team with other people who can give you the entrepreneurship.(我认为我对这个问题的回答是,最好的途径是不要去开公司,而是和他人合作,成为创始团队的一份子。)
11、We thought it would be good for us, as we get into competition with big internet companies, to be part of a big internet company ourselves.(曾斯特姆解释说到“我想着对我们是有利的,这样我们就有能力与大的互联网公司竞争,并把我们自己也跻身于大互联网公司之列。”)
12、But an insider told the Wall Street Journal stocks and shares will continue to be an important part of its compensation for employees, tying their fortunes with those of the company.(不过一位消息灵通人士告诉《华尔街日报》,股票及证券仍将是其员工报酬的重要组成部分,以便将员工财富(命运)与公司的捆绑在一起。)
13、We have reached the point where the service part of SaaS is most relevant, the point where the experience your customers have with your company will determine whether they stick or switch.(我们就软件即服务中服务部分利害最相关的意见达成了一致,还有顾客对公司的体验会决定他们坚持还是换别的的想法。)
14、She was all tears topart company with her family.(她泪流满面地和她的家人分手。)
15、So that means that each of you, look at the people next to you, should start a company with the three people sitting in your same row because I guarantee you they are part of the A-team.(这意味着你们每个人,看看你旁边的人,将会和你们在同一排的三个人,一起建立公司,因为我向你们保证,他们都是一流团队的一部分。)
16、With Capital acting as a drag on the company, he vows that in the future finance will be a smaller part of the company.(考虑公司受累GE资本,他发誓未来金融部门将是公司更小的部门。)
17、However, if the agencies wanted to plead innocence, this was not the ideal time for S&P topart company with its president, Kathleen Corbet, so that she could “spend more time with her family”.(无论如何,信评公司要想证明自己的清白。但对于标准普尔来说现在不是个时候让它们的总裁凯瑟琳·科贝特辞职,而使她可以"更多的陪伴家人"。)
18、Domenech is surprised that Chelsea decided topart company with Gallas and has hailed the 29-year-old as the best defender in the world.(多梅内克惊讶于切尔西决定和加拉分手,并认为29岁的加拉是世界上最好的后卫。)
19、But for all their posturing, and despite lively rumours, neither group is likely topart company with the ANC for some time yet.(但从双方的所有姿态而言,除了生动的谣言,他们在一段时期内仍然都不太可能与非国大拆伙。)
20、On that question I'm afraid I mustpart company with you .(在那一问题上,恐怕我和你的意见不一致。)
part company with