
over the horizon造句

over the horizon造句

1、The moon rose upover the horizon.(月亮越过地平线上升。)

2、We are all dreaming of some magical rose gardenover the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our Windows today.(我们梦想着遥远的迷人的玫瑰园而忘记了享受今天就盛开在我们窗外的玫瑰花。)

3、As the sun appearedover the horizon, our guide stepped onto the ice. We followed him.(当太阳从地平线升起的时候,我们的导游登上了冰面,我们紧随其后。)

4、As the solarise chromaticover the horizon, I went out to savor the loveliness of the grassland landscape.(当太阳升过地平线时,我走出屋外来欣赏草原的美景。)

5、Egypt, with one foot in prehistory, lookedover the horizon to the place where the setting sun vanished.(而一只脚踏在史前史的埃及文明却要把目光投向那落日西沉另外一端的地平线。)

6、The sun pokedover the horizon.(太阳从地平线上升起。)

7、We've made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and confidence of our country has dissipatedover the horizon.(我们让其他国家致富,而我们自己国家的财富、力量和自信却消失在地平线。)

8、The eclipsed sun seems to hoverover the horizon on Sunday, barely lighting the high, snowy plains of Patagonia in southern Argentina.(从阿根廷南部巴塔哥尼亚上的雪原上看去,被遮蔽的太阳如同徘徊在地平线上,勉强的发出一些光芒。)

9、Even more exotic new weapons could be justover the horizon.(更加神奇的新式武器可能也即将登台。)

10、So I came adoring the crescent not the full harvest moon with winterover the horizon and its waning to a husk.(所以我怀着对新月的崇拜来到这里,那新月不是金秋时节的圆月,而是冬临大地时的一弯弦月。)

11、Sunrise is defined as the moment the top edge of the sun appears to peekover the horizon.(因此旭日初升之时,就像是太阳露出个小尖顶在偷窥地平线。)

12、To rise or seem to riseover the horizon into view, as a ship.(看见,出现:出现或看上去要出现在地平线进入视野,如一条船。)

13、In such moments I go to my hill and wait the hunter's moon, enormous and goldover the horizon, filling the night with vision.(这时我就登上那座小山,等待猎人的月亮出现,等着那金黄巨大的圆月跃出地平线,为黑夜带来光明。)

14、Woods of light and tender trees all were sweeping into the east, sweepingover the horizon and a precipice.(轻盈柔嫩的树木都向东方蔓延,蔓延到过地平线和一个边缘。)

15、Out the portholes, Europe slippedover the horizon and the Carthage hit open water.(舷窗外,迦太基号拨开水浪,欧洲逐渐消失在地平线。)

16、Have you ever heard the silence just before the sun peaksover the horizon?(你是否曾经倾听过太阳跃出地平线前的沉默?)

17、Swinging in a hammock on the beach while watching the sunsetover the horizon, for example.(比如说,躺在摇晃的吊床上,看着夕阳从地平线缓缓落下。)

18、But this time Afghanistan's usually rather effective intelligence service failed to pinpoint what was comingover the horizon.(但这次,以往相当能干的阿富汗情报部门并没能准确发现出事的苗头。)

19、We've made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and confidence of our country has disappearedover the horizon.(我们使别的国家富裕起来而自己国家的财富、力量和信心却已消失。)

20、For those who fear nationalization of our financial system, the destination seemed justover the horizon.(对于那些惧怕金融系统国有化的人来说,这恐怕已经超出了他们的承受范围。)

21、As the new season comesover the horizon, Wenger finds himself in a similar position to a year ago.(新赛季近在眼前,温格发现自己面临着与一年前一样的问题。)

22、Iraq was important, the Pentagon's prevailing wisdom went, but so were a whole range of other conflicts justover the horizon.(伊拉克影响很大,五角大楼占优势的智慧不复存在,但其他一系列冲突就这样发生在地平线上。)

over the horizon 基本释义

over the horizon

即将来临; 已露端倪