1、I'm simply roasting in this furovercoat.(我穿着这件皮大衣简直快热死了。)
2、He can get by with his oldovercoat this winter.(今年冬天他可以靠那件旧大衣勉强对付过去。)
3、He was wearing that dark, bloodstainedovercoat and blue jeans.(他穿着那件黑色的,沾满了血迹的外套和蓝色的牛仔裤。)
4、He had hisovercoat on, and his pistols thrust into his belt again.(他穿上大衣,把手枪插进腰带。)
5、He placed his cap andovercoat on a chair.(他把帽子和大衣搁在一张椅子上。)
6、W: Exactly. Is it possible to have myovercoat dry-cleaned, too?(W:对,我的外套大衣可能也要干洗吧。)
7、Myovercoat sets badly; it's too short.(我的大衣不合身,太短了。)
8、I recognized him, a hunched, frozen figure in an oldovercoat standing by a banana cart.(我认出了他,一个驼背、冻僵的人,穿着一件旧大衣,站在一辆香蕉车旁。)
9、He deposited hisovercoat in the cloakroom.(他把大衣寄在衣帽间。)
10、Of course, you do not have to go for the traditional camelovercoat, because the camel is everywhere this season.(当然,你也不必非得买一件传统的驼色大衣,这一季的驼色单品到处都有。)
11、Sometimes they look like anovercoat, sometimes like a horse.(有时候,它们看起来像是件外套,有时候,又像匹马。)
12、She removed all the grease stains from herovercoat.(她把她大衣上所有油渍都去掉了。)
13、But what makesovercoat such a profound piece is its irony.(大衣之所以能成为如此影响深远的作品却是因为它的讽刺。)
14、That's the way the story is put together, how theovercoat is made, and so on.(故事就是这样组织起来的,大衣是怎么做的,等等。)
15、He took off hisovercoat and offered it to her.(他脱下自己的大衣,给了她。)
16、Herovercoat is as stylish as Jill's.(她的大衣和吉尔的一样时髦。)
17、He wore anovercoat over his suit.(他在西服外面再加了一件大衣。)
18、Fahmawi, who instead wears a single-breasted, notch-collar Aquascutumovercoat, hand-tailored in heavy wool-cashmere.(Fahmawi则穿一件单排扣、V字领的雅格狮丹大衣,手工裁制,衣料采用厚重的羊毛加羊绒。)
19、A wild cur flung itself at him with bared fangs and slashed a rent in hisovercoat.(一只恶狗张牙舞爪猛地朝他扑来,撕破了他的上衣。)
20、She took off herovercoat and hanged it on the hook.(她脱下大衣,把它挂在了挂钩上。)
21、Hisovercoat was swollen like a full balloon by the wind.(他的大衣被风吹得鼓成了一个圆气球的样子。)
22、In the fleeting glimpse before the car started up, Martin noted theovercoat pockets, one bulging with books, the other bulging with a quart bottle of whiskey.(在汽车起动之前的短暂的一瞥里,Martin注意到大衣口袋,一边鼓鼓囊囊地塞着书,另一边鼓鼓囊囊地塞着一夸脱瓶装的威士忌酒。)
23、She tried to cover her necklace with the collar of herovercoat while she used the other hand to take off both of her earrings and then quickly threw them on the ground.(她试着用大衣领子盖住项链,另一只手取下两只耳环,然后迅速地把它们扔在地上。)
24、Dean was ragged in a moth-eatenovercoat he bought specially for the freezing temperatures of the East.(狄恩穿着一件被虫蛀过的破大衣,这是他特意买来抵御东部寒冷气候的。)
英 [ˈəʊvəkəʊt] 美 [ˈoʊvərkoʊt]