1、We see "boom and bust, " ups and downs,over and over again.(我们不断地看到“繁荣与萧条”的起伏跌宕。)
2、The police replayed footage of the accidentover and over again.(警察一遍又一遍地重放事故的片段。)
3、She kept repeating his name softlyover and over again.(她轻轻地一遍又一遍地重复着他的名字。)
4、In short, he tests his reasoningover and over again.(总而言之,他一遍又一遍不停地测试他的推理。)
5、He had to lift different weights and do itover and over again.(他不得不一遍又一遍地举起不同的重量。)
6、The key may be tackling something new; the challenge of the unknown is likely more beneficial than putting together the same jigsaw puzzleover and over again.(关键可能在于处理一些新问题;挑战未知的事物很可能比一遍又一遍地做相同的拼图游戏更为有益。)
7、This is what she has been sayingover and over again — I don't know how many times.(这种话,她翻来覆去不知说过多少遍了。)
8、Are the same pages appearingover and over again?(是有相同的页面一次又一次的出现么?)
9、Why the same questionover and over again?(为什么总是一遍一遍地问相同的问题呢?)
10、I hear it from people my ageover and over again.(我总是听到同龄的人不断重复这句话。)
11、over and over again, if you put the bell and the food together, pretty soon, the bell will generate saliva.(如果你一再让铃声和食物同时出现,很快,铃声便会促使唾液分泌。)
12、They see the result they want clearly and rehearse itover and over again.(他们清楚地看到自己想要的结果,然后一遍又一遍地预演。)
13、Studio heads realized that they couldn't make virtually the same filmover and over again with the same cast of stars and still expect to keep turning a profit.(制片厂的负责人意识到,他们不可能用同样的演员阵容,一遍又一遍地制作几乎相同的电影,同时还指望持续的盈利。)
14、I've told youover and over again not to do that.(我一再跟你讲不要再那么做。)
15、So it helps to practiceover and over again.(所以反复练习会有帮助的。)
16、A: All the water in the colony is usedover and over again.(答:整个殖民地的水都是来来回回循环利用的。)
17、Life is to goover and over again!(人生就是要一次次的超越!)
18、When we do the same movements with our bodiesover and over again, we overuse some muscles and that overuse can lead to strain and injury.(当我们的身体一遍又一遍地做同样的动作时,会过度使用一些肌肉,从而导致劳损和受伤。)
19、Genes are copied, mutated and selectedover and over again.(各种基因一遍又一遍地经历着复制、改变和选择的过程。)
20、Stop thinking about your problemover and over again.(不要再去一遍遍思考你的问题。)
21、Vary your routes and workouts, so you're not doing the same runsover and over again.(改变您的路线和锻炼方式,那样你就不会一遍又一遍地做着相同的事情。)
22、Keep doing the same thingover and over again.(总是重复的做同一件事。)
23、over and over again, a bright sunbeam would tempt the busy child outside.(明亮的阳光会一次又一次吸引外面忙碌的孩子。)
24、You hurt my feelingover and over again!(你不断地伤害我的感情!)
25、Rushing toward the children, the grandmother hugged themover and over again.(奶奶冲向孩子们,一遍又一遍地拥抱他们。)
26、He helps build cars and does simple jobsover and over again.(他帮忙制造汽车,并一遍又一遍地做着简单的工作。)
27、Shield volcanoes formed when magma comes out of the ground in the same spotover and over again.(当岩浆一次又一次地在同一地点从地下涌出时,就形成了盾状火山。)
28、She betrayed his trustover and over again.(她一次又一次地辜负了他的信任。)
29、When a religious leader started chanting with echoes bouncing off the stonewallsover and over again, it must've seemed like a whole chorus of other voices, spirits of Gods maybe, joining in.(当一位宗教领袖开始吟唱时,回声敲打着石墙上一遍又一遍地回响,这一定像是其他所有声音的合奏,也许是神的灵魂也加入了其中。)
over and over again
英 [ˈəuvə ænd ˈəuvə əˈɡen] 美 [ˈovɚ ənd ˈovɚ əˈɡɛn]
一再; 再三; 反复不断地