
organ donor造句

organ donor造句

1、You're anorgan donor. - what?(你是器官捐赠者-什么?)

2、"It's easy to sign up and say you are anorgan donor," Whitman said.(“这很容易注册并说你是器官捐赠者,”惠特曼说。)

3、The landmark operation at Karolinska University hospital in Sweden could mean patients may not have to wait for a suitable donor organ.(本次里程碑式的手术在瑞士Karolinsha大学进行,手术的成功意味着患者也许不需要再为配型合适的器官而等待。)

4、People can sign up to be anorgan donor when they renew or get their license.(当更新或得到的许可后人们可以注册成为器官捐献者。)

5、About 8,000 people need an organ transplant in Britain each year and hundreds die waiting for a suitable donor.(英国每年约有八千人需要接受器官移植,很多人因等不到合适的捐献者而死去。)

6、The NHSBT says that a single donor can save up to nine lives and there is no age barrier to donating an organ.(NHSBT表示,一位捐赠者可以至多挽救九条生命,而且捐赠器官没有年龄壁垒。)

7、Lueck, who is listed on her driver's license as anorgan donor, says, "If something happened to me, I would want my organs to be used by someone who needed them."(利克女士的驾照上注明她是一位器官捐赠者,她说:“如果我出了什么意外,我希望我的器官能为有需要的人所用。”)

8、For this reason, compared with internation, there is a sizeable gap in the survival rate of organ transplantation and an immense waste in the economy andorgan donor.(使国内器官移植生存率与国际相比有相当大差距,并在经济上及器官来源等各方面都造成了巨大浪费。)

9、Dear new drivers, will you be anorgan donor?(公民在申领驾照时将进行器官捐献意愿登记。)

10、The final product was days in the making, versus the months it could have taken to locate a donor organ.(最终的成品在数日内便制备完成,而与此相对的,找到一位器官捐赠者可能需要花费数月的时间。)

11、The 17-year-old boy, identified by his surname, "Zheng", said that he had sold the kidney after spotting an online advertisement offering cash to theorgan donor.(这个姓郑的17岁男孩说,他从网上看到一则广告说器官捐献者可以获得现金,于是就卖掉了自己的肾。)

12、All I can say if that you've signed yourorgan donor card, I wouldn't go driving in New Jersey.(对此我唯一能说的就是:任何签署了器官捐献志愿书的人,千万别去新泽西!)

13、Children can join the register with parental consent and the oldestorgan donor in the UK was aged 82.(儿童可以在有父母同意的情况下登记捐赠,而英国最高龄的捐赠者已经82岁。)

14、TheCatechism of the Catholic Church states that organ transplantation “is not morally acceptable if the donor or his proxy has not given explicit consent.”(基督教就有一条教理认为,如果捐赠者本人或其亲属没有明确同意捐献器官,那么从道德层面上讲,器官移植就是不可接受的。)

15、They were given islet cells from the pancreas of a deadorgan donor.(他们被移植了死亡的器官捐献者的胰脏细胞。)

16、To reduce this risk, blood Banks andorgan donor programs screen donors, blood, and tissues thoroughly.(为了减少这种风险,血液银行和器官捐赠过程中就要对捐赠者及其血液和组织进行彻底的筛查。)

17、Pigs are considered as idealorgan donor for human future xenotransplantation.(猪是人异种器官移植理想的器官来源。)

18、As inorgan donor.(他们是器官捐赠者。)

19、Living renal donation is an effective means to expand theorgan donor pool.(亲属活体捐献肾脏是扩大供肾来源的有效手段。)

20、After organ transplants, t cells can attack the donor organ as a 'foreign invader'.(器官移植后,T细胞把捐赠器官当作‘外来入侵者’进行攻击。)

21、Most experts agree that it would be psychologically harmful if a child sensed he had been brought into the world simply as anorgan donor.(多数专家都认为,如果一个孩子感到自己来到这个世界只是作为一个器官捐赠者,那他的心理可能受到伤害。)

22、Evan: The guys either going think heres another guy with a fake ID, or heres McLovin, 25 year old Hawaiianorgan donor.(埃文:你觉得那些人会怎么想?是“这里有一个使用假名字的人”,还是“迈克拉文,一名来自于夏威夷的25岁器官捐赠人”。)

23、It will simply require the DMV to ask you if you'd like to become anorgan donor.(它会要求DMV(机动车辆管理部)询问你是否愿意成为器官捐献者。)

24、A sharp rise in enrolments to theorgan donor Register has pushed the total number of those volunteering to donate body parts for life-saving transplants to nearly 17 million.(器官捐赠登记系统(OrganDonorRegister)登记人数的一轮大幅增加使得志愿捐赠器官,将其用于挽救生命的移植手术的总人数达到1700万。)

25、That would have to come from anorgan donor.(这将不得不寄希望于一位器官捐赠者。)

organ donor 基本释义

organ donor