1、Mature men will do their own business, dealing with a steady smileon various occasions.(成熟的男人会自己做自己的事,沉稳微笑着处理各种场合。)
2、At present, the Coca-Cola Company has more than 50 kinds of different beverages in the Chinese market and the consumers have rich choiceson various occasions to quench their thirst.(目前可口可乐公司在中国市场有超过50种不同饮料,令消费者在各种场合都有丰富选择可以怡神解渴。)
3、This exhaustive list of gifts sought to placeon various occasions, to determine the nature of the gift in order to make more explicit the nature of the donation contract.(本文力求穷尽列举赠与发生的各种场合,确定赠与的性质,以期使赠与合同性质更加明确。)
4、Relaxed and lively book topic, suitable for all ages, all levels of stages of readingon various occasions friends.(本书话题轻松明快,适合各年龄阶段、各层次阶段的朋友在各种场合阅读。)
5、To master English used on various important daily occasions and can use English in the workplace.(谙练驾驭糊口中各个主要场所的用语,能在事变情形中运用英语资格快速通过。)
6、This painting depicts ninety-five horses with various poseson various occasions from different perspectives, and forty-one grooms engaging various activities.(此图从不同角度描绘了九十五匹不同姿势、不同状态下的马匹与从事养马等各种活动的奚官、圉者四十一人。)
7、I encountered her on various social occasions but didn't know her well.(我曾在社交场合遇见过她几次,但是对她了解不深。)
8、Mr. Tang on many occasions through various means to seek recovery of money, but other company executives since July 2007 and never disappeared. Wu Nai under Mr.(汤先生议决百般方式多次追求追回货款,但他方公司负担人自2007年7月份之后再也没有踪影。)
9、They saton various occasions beneath the great trees in Kensington Gardens.(他们多次憩息在肯辛顿花园的大树下。)
10、Trawling the siteon various occasions, I've seen dozens of combs made of the early plastic called celluloid - combs so beautiful they belonged in a museum, so beguiling I coveted them for my own.(好几次访问这个网站,我看到许多用叫做赛璐珞的早期的塑料做成的梳子。那些梳子漂亮得已经在博物馆安了家,美妙得让人恨不得占为己有。)
11、In the following short dialogs you will find some useful expressions which are often used on various social occasions.(在以下简短的对话里,你可以找到一些在日常社交场合中常遇到的用语。)
12、In Paris, all the wine parties and buffet receptions heldon various occasions provide optimum opportunities to make friends with all varieties of people.(在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会、冷餐会是广交朋友的好机会。)
13、With small size and low cost, the utility model can be movably puton various occasions.(本实用新型体积小,成本低,可以在各种场合移动摆放。)
14、"To pop up" is widely usedon various occasions, especially relating to questions or problems.(此词组适用于不同场合,尤指疑问或问题的出现。)
15、She even intervenedon various occasions on behalf of women who were destitute.(她甚至在各种场合代表贫困的妇女出面。)
16、on various occasions, students absorb themselves in their own business such as reading novels, sending short messages, sleeping and etc. , while professors are delivering their lectures.(有时,学生总是忙于自己的事情,例如看小说、发短信、睡觉等,与此同时,老师在台上讲课。)
on various occasions