
on the horizon造句

on the horizon造句

1、In the distance, the dot of a boat appearedon the horizon.(远处小黑点般的一条小船出现在地平线上。)

2、The sense of an extraterrestrial experience is heightened by a line of yellow lights twinklingon the horizon, like a lone settlement on a hostile planet.(地平线上有黄色的光线在闪烁加深了在外星上的感觉,就像是一个充满敌意的星球上的一个孤独的定居点。)

3、The city was just a red glowon the horizon.(城市看上去只是地平线上的一片红光。)

4、They faded outon the horizon.(他们消失在地平线上了。)

5、on the horizon, she saw a flash of silver—the sea!(她看见天边闪现一片银色—大海!)

6、Today, we look outon the horizon of a new century.(今天,我们眺望新世纪的地平线。)

7、The sun was a huge ball of fire lowon the horizon.(落在地平线上的太阳像个大火球。)

8、on the horizon we have the positive application of neurogastronomy; manipulating flavor to curb our appetites.(我们即将看到神经美食学的积极应用,即通过操控食物的味道来抑制我们的食欲。)

9、There's trouble loomingon the horizon.(可能快要出事了。)

10、Dark clouds massedon the horizon.(天边乌云密布。)

11、The first signs of the dawn appearon the horizon.(黎明的曙光出现在地平线上。)

12、Smoke appearedon the horizon.(地平线上升起了烟雾。)

13、A ship appearedon the horizon.(一艘船出现在地平线上。)

14、The first lights of dawn areon the horizon.(现在第一道晨曦已经跳出了地平线。)

15、Still, dark clouds loom, as ever,on the horizon.(但地平线上那朵黑云仍未散去。)

16、With the aid of a telescope, a ship could be made outon the horizon.(借助望远镜,可以看到地平线上有一只船。)

17、Speed-boosting technologieson the horizon.(即将到来的速度提升技术。)

18、I am convinced that blue skies are alreadyon the horizon.(我确信湛蓝的天空已经在地平线上。)

19、We discerned a sailon the horizon.(我们看见了地平线上的一只帆。)

20、The sea and sky seemed to blendon the horizon.(在地平线上海洋和天空似乎合而为一。)

21、The only dark cloudon the horizon was that they might have to move house.(唯一的忧虑是他们可能要搬家。)

22、But there is troubleon the horizon.(但是麻烦的迹象已经出现。)

23、The helicopters appeared as two black dotson the horizon.(直升机像两个小黑点出现在地平线上。)

24、Now we raised a ship far awayon the horizon.(现在我们看到远处的地平线上有一艘轮船。)

25、His eye lit upon a small boaton the horizon.(他无意中看见地平线上有一条小船。)

26、Storm clouds are formingon the horizon.(天边出现了暴雨云。)

27、He squinted his eyes as though he were studying an objecton the horizon.(他眯着眼睛,好像在研究地平线上的某个物体。)

on the horizon 基本释义

on the horizon

[ɔn ðə həˈraizən] 

刚冒出地平线; 迫近的