1、Soldiers encounter all sorts of weather conditionson the battlefield: blistering winds, broiling heat, drenching rain.(士兵在战场上可能会遇到各种恶劣天气:严寒,烈日,大雨。)
2、In Ancient Arabia, a chorus of women would ululateon the battlefield.(在古阿拉伯半岛,妇女合唱队会在战场上嚎叫。)
3、In ancient Greek culture, glory was foundon the battlefield, much like every other civilization.(在古希腊文化中,和其他古文明一样,认为光荣来自战场。)
4、GaN will also give the warfighter significantly more mobility, capability and reliabilityon the battlefield.(氮化镓将给予作战人员在战场上更大的机动性、效能和可靠性。)
5、One should never succumb to fatigue when aloneon the battlefield.(一个士兵永远不该在战场上屈服于困倦。)
6、What are the 3s in your life that are dyingon the battlefield but which can still be saved if you reach them in time?(第三类战场上危在旦夕而只要你及时赶到就可以转危为安的事在生活中是什么呢?)
7、She disguised herself as a man so she could fighton the battlefield.(她女扮男装以便能上战场打仗。)
8、on the battlefield, too, air power gave the colonel the tactical edge.(空中力量也令上校在战场前线拥有战术优势。)
9、But it was so loud, thereon the battlefield.(但是战场太喧闹。)
10、These communication skills seem to offer invading bacteria quite an advantageon the battlefield.(这些通信技术好象为入侵的细菌在战场上提供了相当的优势。)
11、Our BEC course will soon come to an end.At the beginning of December you will stepon the battlefield to fight.(BEC的课程快结束了,12月初你们就要踏上真正的战场,BEC中级考试就要到来了。)
12、FIFTY years ago a soldier injuredon the battlefield would be sewn up by medics using sheep's gut.(50年前一位在战场上受伤的士兵将被卫生员使用羊肠子缝合。)
13、Their aristocratic outfit, aristocracy of birth, which is legitimized by their heroic behavioron the battlefield.(他们的贵族的身份和贵族出身,由于他们在战场上的英雄行为而被认可。)
14、Six of its seven corps had arrivedon the battlefield, and VI Corps was making a thirty-six-mile forced march to reach it.(此时,北军全部七个军团中的六个已经抵达战场,而第六军团以急行军的速度从32英里之外赶过来。)
15、They were all you would want in a soldier and proved iton the battlefield by destroying all in their paths.(他们是终极的战士,而且在战场上用摧残一次的战法来证明这一点。)
16、Despite his reputation for ferocityon the battlefield, he tended to eat and drink lightly during large banquets.(尽管他在战场上以凶狠著称,但在大型宴会上,他往往吃得少,喝得少。)
17、on the battlefield of war certain changes in reality could be predicted - from seasonal opportunities to covert advantages.(战场上的某些变化-从季节因素到潜在优势-实际上是能够被预测的。)
18、The Rumor Doctor asked NATO officials whether these killer monkeys have yet been encounteredon the battlefield in Afghanistan.(调研专家询问北约官方是否确认曾在阿富汗遇到这些“猴子杀手”。)
19、Well, I don’t think our troopson the battlefield should have to take notes to keep for a claims application.(好吧,我们的军人总不至于在战场上做个笔记以备今后申请时使用吧。)
20、They left behind hundreds of wounded men. For four days, the wounded layon the battlefield crying for help, for water.(四天来,这些躺在战场上的伤兵哭叫着寻求帮助,他们要水喝。)
21、Yet it is not unusual to find antagonists grapplingon the battlefield and treating behind closed doors simultaneously.(然而,反对派一边在战场上搏杀另一边关起门来进行谈判实属常见。)
22、The largest growing demandon the battlefield today is for electricity and how we create that.(如今战场上增长最大的需求是电力以及发电所需的能源。)
23、Some have lost limbson the battlefield, and others still battle the demons that have followed them home.(他们有的在前线失去了四肢,有的仍然在与跟随他们返回家园的恶魔斗争。)
24、But General Xiang Yu would be vindicated, bothon the battlefield and in the annals of social science research.(但是战场上的胜利证明项羽将军是正确的,社会学研究的年报也支持他的做法。)
25、But any Western belief that Colonel Qaddafi would be quickly clobberedon the battlefield has, for the moment, been shaken.(但是,西方认为卡扎菲上校会在战场上被快速击倒的任何信念,此刻都已经动摇。)
26、In the past, it is theorised, they enjoyed a similar advantageon the battlefield.(过去,理论上认为他们在战场上也有类似的优势。)
on the battlefield