
on second thoughts造句

on second thoughts造句

1、There were signs at the Arab League meeting in Rabat on Wednesday that the organisation may be having second thoughts about its hasty suspension of Syria last Saturday.(有迹象显示,对于上周六匆忙暂停叙利亚成员国资格的协议,周二阿拉伯联盟在摩洛哥首都阿巴特的会议表明该组织可能正在改变主意。)

2、Perhaps,on second thoughts, Mr Putin should quit while he is ahead.(转念一想,也许普京最好还是应该在领先别人一步的情况下,自己辞职为妙。)

3、As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, people in mounting numbers are doing something, which seems to be humorous and ridiculous but thought-provokingon second thoughts.(正如图片生动描述的那样,越来越多的人……这看起来很可笑很荒谬但却令人回味。)

4、I'll wait here. No,on second thoughts, I'll come with you.(我就在这儿等。不,再一想,我还是跟你一起走。)

5、on second thoughts, I did not call the police.(经过第二次考虑,我没有叫警察。)

6、She stood between him and it, andon second thoughts he was glad, for though not disgraceful it had been sentimental and deserved oblivion.(重新考虑一番之后,他认为幸亏没有说。尽管没有什么不光彩的,却令人感伤,值得忘却。)

7、So,on second thoughts agreed because I realized a little discomfort2 could end up helping someone.(所以经过一番仔细思考后,我同意了,因为我了解一点点的不舒服最后可以帮助某人。)

8、He did not intend paying the bill, buton second thoughts paid it.(他并未打算付账,但经重新考虑后还是付了。)

9、Milan slow down a bit in the second half, but nevertheless make the 22 points necessary to close on 61 points and third place before turning their thoughts to Manchester.(在下半赛季米兰的步伐有所放慢。但是依然获得了必要的22分,在将注意力转向曼彻斯特之前一共获得6分以及联赛第三。)

10、At first, she wanted to call the guards, buton second thoughts she changed her mind.(起先,她想叫卫兵,但是一转念又改变了主意。)

11、on second thoughts, that introductory paragraph needs a little clarification.(斟酌再三之后,本人有必要对上文段落作出小小澄清。)

12、Now, when some of the enthusiasts are having second thoughts and scaling back on alternatives, Exxon seems to be going the opposite way yet again.(而现在,当一些曾经的热衷者经过三思之后改变了想法,纷纷缩减替代能源开发力度之时,埃克森公司似乎又一次显现其与众不同的风范。)

13、The second part of dissertation analysis Zhang's thoughts by Essays on Relativism.(第二节将《齐物论释》与章太炎的思想相联系加以分析。)

14、on second thoughts he changed his mind.(进一步考虑后,他改变了主意。)

15、The two principles of justice put forward by John Rawls, especially the two aspects of the second principle, afford us a basic train of thoughts to understand the responsibility based on justice.(罗尔斯的两个正义原则,特别是其中第二原则的两个方面,为我们理解这种基于正义的责任提供了一个基本的思路。)

16、The second part of this paper is an explanation of Constructive Postmodernism for later analysis of Lessing's constructive thoughts on fictional-writing.(第二部分阐述建设性后现代主义的主要观点,为分析莱辛的小说创作思想做铺垫。)

17、on second thoughts, however, he said that he was so ill-tempered that most of his students avoided making him mad.(但是,他又想了一想,说自己脾气很坏,大多数学生都避免惹他生气。)

18、Heathcliff,on second thoughts, resolved to avoid a struggle against the three underlings; he seized the poker, smashed the lock from the inner door, and made his escape as they tramped in.(希刺克厉夫一转念,决定避免和这三位仆人打斗一场。他抓了把火钳,敲开里门的锁,在他们踏着大步进来时,他已逃掉了。)

on second thoughts 基本释义

on second thoughts

经重新考虑; 继而一想