1、The new commemorative stamps will be puton sale next week.(新的纪念邮票将于下星期发售。)
2、The medicine ison sale everywhere. You can get it at any chemist's.(这种药到处都在卖。你可以在任何药店买到它。)
3、Several of his books wereon sale there.(他有几本书在这里出售。)
4、This TV set ison sale.(这台电视机正在出售。)
5、After walking into a store, you see that Huawei smartphones areon sale.(走进一家商店,你看到华为的智能手机正在打折。)
6、Are all these slipperson sale?(这些拖鞋都是特价吗?)
7、Tickets areon sale from the booking office.(售票处正在售票。)
8、We buy them because of how ergonomically the bottle fits into the palm of our hand; because they'reon sale, or we like the actress who endorses the products.(我们买它们是因为这瓶子符合人体工程学,贴合于我们的手掌;因为它们在打折,又或者我们喜欢那个代言产品的女演员。)
9、There is a boutique where beachwear and sportswear areon sale.(有家小店在卖海滩装和运动装。)
10、The new model goeson sale next month.(新款下月上市。)
11、Are the eraserson sale?(这些橡皮在出售吗?)
12、A good shopper doesn't just buy things because they'reon sale.(善于购物的人不会仅仅因为商品减价出售就买。)
13、It will goon sale early next year.(该款车将于明年年初发售。)
14、The Mazda Atenza wenton sale in 2013.(马自达阿特兹汽车于2013年开始销售。)
15、These bikes areon sale.(这些自行车正在廉价出售。)
16、Tickets goon sale this week.(票本周开始出售。)
17、The clothes areon sale at Star Clothes Store at 9:10 a.m..(上午9点10分,明星服装店的衣服在大减价。)
18、All clothingon sale after the show for under $60.(展览结束后,所有的服装都以低于60美元的价格出售。)
19、Is that bike Tim wantedon sale?(提姆想要的那辆单车打折吗?)
20、You can buy maps in the shop and there are all kinds of gifts and souvenirson sale as well.(你可以在商店里买到地图,店里还出售各种各样的礼物和纪念品。)
21、English textbooks and dictionaries areon sale everywhere.(英语教材和词典到处都有出售。)
22、A wide range of postcards and other souvenirs areon sale in the visitors' center.(游客中心有各种明信片以及其他纪念品出售。)
23、The new umbrella is expected to goon sale soon.(这种新雨伞预计很快就会上市。)
24、A: is this caron sale?(A:这款车是在促销吗?)
25、All video equipment ison sale today and tomorrow.(所有录像设备今明两天降价出售。)
26、The newly opened supermarket had somethingon sale last Sunday.(这家新开的超市上个星期天有一些东西在打折。)
27、The shirts areon sale.(衬衣降价出售。)
28、There is a microwaveon sale!(这有一台微波炉出售。)
29、Girl's Purple Tent ison sale! It has light weight and is easy to fit together and take down.(女孩的紫色帐篷正在出售!它重量轻,很容易组装在一起,也容易拆解。)
on sale
英 [ɔn seil] 美 [ɑn sel]
出售; 廉价出售