
on hard times造句

on hard times造句

1、When I first knew him, Tom was quite a smart young fellow, but I think he must have fallenon hard times since then, for he looks very seedy nowadays.(我刚认识汤姆时,他是一个非常潇洒漂亮的小伙子,但现在却衣衫褴褛不堪,我料想他日子一定过得很艰难。)

2、RECESSIONS mean that Ferraris stay in showrooms and designer dresses on shop racks, but lipstick bucks the trend: in hard times, women buy more of it, as it is an affordable indulgence.(经济衰退意味着法拉利只能停在陈列室里,设计师设计的服装只能挂在商店的衣架上,但是口红却反其道而行之:在困难时期,女性购买的口红更多,因为它是一个消费得起的嗜好。)

3、A friend who is a top-notch technical analyst temporarily took a job as a broker after fallingon hard times when his hedge fund closed.(我有个朋友,他是顶尖的技术分析师。他大亏了几次,只好解散了自己的对冲基金,找了一个临时工作,做经纪人。)

4、But universities have fallenon hard times and so, too, have their reputations.(但是大学遭遇了一个艰难时期,他们的名声也是如此。)

5、People should take care for each other when they fallon hard times.(当人们经历挫折的时候应当相互照顾。)

6、Luxury hotels and resorts have fallenon hard times during the recession, as corporate travel planners shy away from lavish spending and consumers plan thrifty, if any, vacations.(豪华酒店及度假村在经济衰退期间衰落得厉害,因为商务旅行策划者回避浪费,而消费者计划节俭,如果有休假的话。)

7、Ti went on a shopping spree during the recession, snapping up chip factories from manufacturers that had fallenon hard times.(德州仪器在衰退期间继续一次购物狂欢,抢购芯片从制造商处已经很困难了。)

8、It HAPPENS a lot these days in southern California. A homeowner fallson hard times and has to move from his house, renting it out to make ends meet.(近来这样的事情在加州南部时有发生,那就是某个房主在经济捉襟见肘时迫不得已搬出现有的住房并将其出租以维持收支平衡。)

9、But after expanding exuberantly in the last decade, Harley has fallenon hard times.(哈雷在上个十年中进行了生机勃勃的扩张,不过如今它却陷入了苦日子。)

10、Airbus, meanwhile, has fallenon hard times with delays to its flagship A380 and to the launch of its rival to the new best-selling Boeing long-haul jet.(同时,空中客车公司也经历了艰难时刻,它推迟了旗舰客机A380的生产,而它的对手波音公司也推出了最佳销量的波音长牵引喷气式飞机。)

11、GM's once-thriving Daewoo Motor Sales Corp. operation in South Korea and its businesses in Russia and Latin America have fallenon hard times because of a global downturn in the auto industry.(鉴于全球汽车业的低迷,通用汽车旗下曾经生机勃勃的韩国大宇汽车销售公司(DaewooMotorSalesCorp.)以及俄罗斯和拉美业务均陷入了困境。)

12、Your village has fallenon hard times (due to reckless spending by the village Council) and it's up to you to bring back some gold.(你的村庄已经陷入了严重的(由于不计后果的支出由村理事会),它是给你带回一些黄金。)

13、How are you getting on in these hard times?(你在这些困难的日子里过得怎么样?)

14、Technology stocks simultaneously began fallingon hard times and there tail sector found that consumers were no longer spending freely.(在艰难时期,所有技术股票同时开始下跌,零售股交易部门发现消费者也不再随便花钱。)

15、Losses on the stock market caused him to fallon hard times.(股票市场上的损失使他倒霉。)

16、The former (whose name comes from the brands Lucky and Goldstar) is a South Korean electronics firm fallenon hard times.(而韩国乐金电子公司(名字来源于旗下品牌乐喜和金星)正面临难关。)

17、These mass lay-offs, it might be hypothesised, are more like natural catastrophes, such as famines, than isolated accidents that cause a few people to fallon hard times.(从假设上来说,这些大型解雇事件,与影响少数人的事故比起来,更像是饥荒之类的自然灾害。)

18、One of Ireland's premier resort facilities, the K Club has fallenon hard times, but manager Michael Davern sees hope coming from the far east.(爱尔兰顶尖度假会所之一的K俱乐部陷入经营困境,但总经理迈克尔·达夫恩看到了来自远东的希望。)

19、There are many examples of quality efforts that have fallenon hard times, perhaps more than there are success stories.(太多质量提高的努力最终举步维艰,也许远超成功例子。)

20、If anyone is to be dismissed when the company fallson hard times, it won't be Jack; he's dug himself in too well.(如果公司碰到困难时刻要裁员的话,那是裁不到杰克头上来的。他在公司里的地位是稳固的。)

21、My friend Ruhollah, who once worked for me as a fixer, was in better shape: after fallingon hard times, he’d landed a gig ferrying college girls to Kabul University and back.(我另一个朋友鲁霍拉,曾为当过我的修理工,他的情况要好很多:度过艰难时期以后,他得到一份为喀布尔大学女生摆渡的工作。)

22、When his family fellon hard times, he was offered free room and board.(当他的家陷入困境时,他被提供免费食宿。)

on hard times 基本释义

on hard times