
on a daily basis造句

on a daily basis造句

1、This contradicts the desire to check your code qualityon a daily basis.(这一点与每天检查代码质量的愿望背道而驰。)

2、Enterprises and organizations deal with huge volumes of dataon a daily basis.(企业和组织每天都要处理大量数据。)

3、on a daily basis she reminded me that life goes on.(她每天都提醒我,生活还要继续。)

4、On the other hand, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forgeon a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.(另一方面,类似于新闻记者每天在报道和评论新闻时会与生活建立起联系,它把这些概念与日常实际联系起来。)

5、The number will changeon a daily basis.(这个数字每天都会改变。)

6、These would have happenedon a daily basis.(这些是每天都要做的祭祀。)

7、He had people telling himon a daily basis the horrors they saw over there.(因为每天他都会从病人那里听到他们在战场上所见过的可怕情形。)

8、Some services do painless updateson a daily basis!(一些服务甚至可以无痛苦地每日更新!)

9、The main reasons for city dwellers to commuteon a daily basis is not just for work but also for study, business, shopping and their social life.(城市居民每天通勤的主要原因不仅是工作,还包括学习、商务、购物和社交生活。)

10、Do you know how many contacts you have with infectious peopleon a daily basis?(你知道你每天与多少受传染的人接触吗?)

11、Soak up motivating things in your lifeon a daily basis.(从每天的生活中吸取一切可以激励你的事情。)

12、He used to writeon a daily basis.(以前他每天坚持写日记,现在一个月写一至两次。)

13、After May 19, strikes were occurringon a daily basis.(在5月19日以后,罢工每天都在发生。)

14、Human beings are exposed to natural radiationon a daily basis.(人类每天都暴露在电离辐射下。)

15、on a daily basis, they tend to give compliments on others' appearance.(在平日里,他们都喜欢夸奖别人的外表。)

16、It doesn't concern youon a daily basis.(它不会对您的日常工作造成影响。)

17、I use each of the tips below to save time and remain saneon a daily basis.(而我通常则会选用以下这些节时小贴士在劳碌一日之际让自己保持理智与清醒。)

18、We should help our mothers do some housework like washing the dishes, doing the laundry and cookingon a daily basis.(我们应该每天都帮妈妈做一些家务,比如洗碗,洗衣和做饭。)

19、It is not something we can afford to doon a daily basis, and there aren't too many organic farms around here.(这不是我们每天都能负担得起的,而且附近也没有太多的有机农场。)

20、12 rock handlers work hereon a daily basis.(日常会有12个运输车工作。)

21、This group is very powerful and usedon a daily basis.(该组的权限很大,并且每天都会用到。)

22、So how do we get through our jobson a daily basis?(因此我们如何才能以每天为基础度过我们的日常工作?)

23、We're obligated to deliver to that pointon a daily basis.(我们必须每天送货到那个地方。)

24、I try to live by thaton a daily basis.(我每天都在努力按照这个生活。)

25、You work more closelyon a daily basis with the other three folks.(您每天更紧密地与其他三个人一起工作。)

26、Such things are taking place all over Russiaon a daily basis.(基本上每天,都有这样的事情发生,遍及整个俄罗斯。)

27、Are people buying visual arton a daily basis?(人们每天都会买视觉艺术品吗?)

28、Invoices are signedon a daily basis.(发票按日签发。)

29、Figure out what you really love doing and use your strengthson a daily basis.(找出你真正喜欢做的事并且每天使用你的强项。)

30、The key is to consume the appropriate amount of calorieson a daily basis.(关键在于你要靠吃饭来消耗必须的卡路里。)

on a daily basis 基本释义

on a daily basis