1、Alsoof note, having the view_rebuild_dir Notes.ini parameter use a ram disk showed an overall gain.(还需要注意的是,对view_rebuild_dirNotes.ini参数使用RAM磁盘,总体性能得到提升。)
2、Mr. Noda, whose father was the youngest of six siblings and his mother the last of eleven, has no inheritanceof note.(野田没有太多遗产可以继承,他的父亲在六兄妹中年龄最小,他的母亲也在11个兄妹中年龄最小。)
3、During the Super Bowl, there was another football gameof note between the big animals and the little animals.(超级杯赛里,最令人津津乐道的一场(gameofnote)是大动物和小动物的比赛。)
4、The NOTE_CLASS_xxx value is important when creating design elements because it identifies the typeof note we are creating.(在创建设计元素时,NOTE_CLASS_xxx值很重要,因为它会识别我们将创建的记录的类型。)
5、of note, the post garnered some animus toward me especially from a few fellow bloggers.(值得注意的是,这篇帖子让我受到了一些敌意,特别是来自几个同道的博客。)
6、of note is that the slim grey box on the left hand side is the actual boxplot.(注意左手边有一个青灰色的方框是实际的箱线图。)
7、How can you share the moments between the moments worthyof note?(你应该怎样分享那些介于两个值得记下来的事之间的时刻呢?)
8、The first lineof note is one I haven't talked much about yet, and it's illustrated in Listing 7.(第一行要注意的代码尚未多加讨论,该代码如清单7所示。)
9、The last featureof note to be incorporated in to 4.0 is the ability to control folders through drag and drop.(0版本中最后一个值得我们提及的功能就是文件夹的拖拽操作。)
10、Mr Werning and his co-authors have so far derived at least two theoretical resultsof note.(Werning先生和他的合著者们目前为止至少得出了两个著名的理论上的结果。)
11、To some they are amazing and worthyof note, to the skeptics, it is just the law of probability.(某些人觉得这很惊奇并且值得一提,而无神论者则认为这不过是概率论的结果而已。)
12、A number of the report's findings are worthyof note.(这份报告里有些调查结果值得注意。)
13、of note, the data capture employee perceptions of this behavior, rather than substantiated reports.(请注意,上述数据反映的是员工对这种行为的主观感觉,而不是证据确凿的报告。)
14、It is worthyof note that no distinction is made about the type of document that is used in communicating with the Web services.(值得说明的是,与Web服务进行通信时所使用的不同文档类型之间并不存在什么差别。)
15、But nothingof note happened.(可是,没有发生什么值得注意的事情。)
16、of note is his coverage of the new app generator and configuration system.(值得注意的是其中涵盖新应用生成器和配置方面的信息。)
17、of note: older participants do not have to train any harder to maintain their fitness than their younger rivals.(需要注意的是,年老的选手们不必为了保持健康,比年轻对手们的训练还要辛苦。)
18、of note, the behavior in Linux is slightly different than in Windows.(值得注意的是,Linux中的行为与Windows中的稍有不同。)
19、Mrs Beckham, now a fashion designerof note , has stolen the limelight at weddings in the past.(目前身为著名时装设计师的维多利亚曾在多场婚礼中抢走新人的风头。)
20、Basically, I decided to use Popplet to start jotting down notes about the processof note-taking and how it might support learning.(主要地,我开始使用Popplet随意记下了随记过程中的笔记,还能用它来学习。)
21、of note are the "catlines" used as basses on historical instruments.(值得注意的是在历史乐器上用作贝司的“猫头钢丝绳”。)
22、Remember the pointof note taking is to encourage learning, not just record what was said.(记住笔记是促进掌握知识,而不是记录谁说过什么!)
23、But the initial act of writing things down is only part of the equation if you want to leverage the full powerof note-taking.(如果想要发挥记笔记的全部功效,书写的最初动机其实也仅仅是为了保持一种平衡。)
24、Layers and the layers palette were other areasof note.(图层和图层面板是另一个值得注意的地方。)
25、The important findingsof note are the following.(这些结果有以下几点需要注意的。)
26、The stackof note CARDS becomes the set of requirements for the system, as they are known right then.(这一堆卡片就成了系统需求集合,因为他们马上就会知道这些需求。)
27、Alsoof note, quanp offers 10 GB to Windows Live's 25 GB.(另外也注意下,quanp提供10gb的存储空间,而WindwosLive有25gb。)
28、For example, the technique of interviewing requires the skillsof note-taking and active listening.(例如,访谈技术需要作笔记和主动倾听的技巧。)
29、of note in this code is the "content \ Webpublish.css".(要注意这个代码“content\Webpublish.css”。)
of note
英 [ɔv nəut] 美 [ʌv not]
值得注意的, 重要的, 非凡的