1、It'snot much fun going to a party on your own.(独自一人参加聚会没什么意思。)
2、This foreign firm has little [not much] means.(这家外国商行没有多大资力。)
3、Alice wasnot much surprised at this, she was getting so used to queer things happening.(爱丽丝对此并不感到奇怪,她对发生的怪事已经习以为常了。)
4、"not much," I replied.(“不是很多”,我答道。)
5、His needs arenot much.(他的需求并不多。)
6、He'snot much of a tennis player.(他算不上网球好手。)
7、The novel has long descriptions andnot much dialogue.(这部小说描述多对话少。)
8、There'snot much community spirit around here.(这里集体精神比较薄弱。)
9、"Assuming you're right," he said, "there'snot much I can do about it, is there?"(“假定你是对的,”他说,“我对此能做的也不多,对吗?”)
10、There'snot much bounce left in these balls.(这些球已没有多少弹性了。)
11、There'snot much sustenance in a bowl of soup.(一碗汤没多少营养。)
12、I should have got a better price for the car, but I'mnot much of a businessman.(那辆车我本应卖个更好的价钱,但我不大会做生意。)
13、I'mnot much good at tennis.(我不太擅长打网球。)
14、They get paid for it.not much. Just a little.(他们拿到工资了。不太多,就一点点。)
15、There wasnot much elbow room in the cockpit of a Snipe.(“斯奈普”战斗机的驾驶舱内没有太多的活动空间。)
16、There wasnot much time before the tide turned.(没过多少时间就退潮了。)
17、I may be almost 50, but there'snot much I've forgotten.(我是快五十岁了,但我没忘记多少事情。)
18、Taste without retronasal smell isnot much help in recognising flavor.(没有鼻后嗅觉的味觉对识别味道没有多大帮助。)
19、not much good at all!(根本没有多少益处!)
20、"Have you got just plain chocolate?"—"No, I'm afraid there'snot much call for that."(“有纯巧克力吗?”—“没有,恐怕对这种巧克力的需求不多。”)
21、"Can you hear it where you live?" He shook his head. "not much."(“在你住的地方能听到吗?”他摇摇头:“不怎么听得到。”)
22、The Larsons pay me well enough, but there'snot much left over for luxuries.(拉森家给我的报酬不错,但是剩不下多少钱来买奢侈品。)
23、We certainly have a lot to do andnot much time to do it in.(我们确实有很多事情要做,但没有多少时间去做。)
24、There'snot much meat on this chop.(这块猪排上没什么肉。)
25、I guess there'snot much of a Jazz scene anymore.(我想现在已经没有多少爵士乐的场景了。)
26、There'snot much difference in price between the two computers.(这两种计算机价格上没有多大的差别。)
27、Short of gagging the children, there wasnot much she could do about the noise.(除了不让孩子们说话之外,她对那噪音无能为力。)
28、I'm taking a few clothes and some books,not much else.(我带了几件衣服和一些书,别的就不多了。)
29、He'snot much cop as a singer.(他的歌唱得不怎么样。)
30、His younger brother isnot much of a companion for him.(他的弟弟和他志趣不太相投。)
not much