1、No matter how much we talk about tasting our favorite flavors, relishing them really depends on a combined input from our senses that we experience through mouth, tongue and nose.(不管我们怎么谈论品尝我们最喜欢的味道,它们带来的味觉享受实际上依赖于我们感官的综合输入,我们通过嘴巴、舌头和鼻子体验到的感受。)
2、When the man goes to bed, the sound snoring clearly is fromnose about li of effluence.(男人睡觉时打呼噜的声音明明是从鼻子里发出来的。)
3、Elvin is still mad about his nose.(艾文还在气他鼻子的那档事。)
4、Elizabeth Coleman, Perry's mother, says she had been worried about the boy's behavior even before he got the bloody nose, noticing that he was unruly or withdrawn sometimes.(佩里的母亲伊丽莎白•科尔曼(ElizabethColeman)表示,即便在佩里被人打得鼻血直流之前,她就一直对这个孩子的行为感到心忡忡。)
5、The nasal passages will become moist and the nose colder in about the same 2-3 minutes.(同时在这2~3分钟里,鼻孔里面会变的潮湿,鼻子变凉。)
6、I can be quite small, about 4 feet (1.2 meters) long or pretty big, up to 30 feet (about 9 meters) log from nose to tail!(我可能十分小,从鼻到尾约4英尺(1.2米)长或者十分大,达到30英尺(约9米)长!)
7、Your face will turn red, your nose will run, and it may take five minutes to stop talking about the experience.(你的脸会变红,鼻涕会流,这可能需要5分钟才会停止。)
8、And where else can you read about the health pros and cons of picking your nose?(从中你还可以读到从正反角度看待挖鼻孔对健康影响。)
9、It has a horn upon its nose, about a cubit in length; this horn is solid, and cleft through the middle.(它在鼻子上面有一个角,大约一肘的长度;这个角非常坚固,从中间长出来。)
10、Just follow your nose and in about five minutes you're at the old railway.(就直着往前走大约五分钟你会到达旧铁道。)
11、Some griped about the shutter glasses, however, calling them “heavy” and complaining that they “hurt the bridge of the nose.”(不过也有测试者对其快门技术式的眼镜提出了抱怨,觉得过于沉重以至弄痛了鼻梁。)
12、That dog weighed about 25 to 30 pounds in life and possessed a short nose.(那只狗生前大约重25磅到30磅并且长着短鼻子。)
13、Little is known about D. dalaiensis at this point, but scientists say it may navigate by its nose to hunt for earthworms, ants, and termites.(在这一点上我们对d.dalaiensis知之甚少,但科学家说他可能利用嗅觉猎食蚯蚓、蚂蚁和白蚁。)
14、Elephants do not worry about things crawling up their nose. Instead, they act upon instinct.(大象不怕什么东西会爬进它们的鼻子里,它们只凭着本能做出反应。)
15、She could watch the small face of the baby and think about the smallness of his mouth, his eyes and his nose.(她可以细心观察婴儿的小脸蛋,想着他的小嘴、眼睛还有鼻子怎么就能这么小呢。)
16、Our eyes are always about the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.(我们的眼睛的大小从我们出生开始就定下来了。但是我们的鼻子和耳朵却在不断变大。)
17、I was confidently telling the story and captured everyone's attention until suddenly I heard a voice from just in front of the stage commenting about my nose.(我充满自信地讲着故事,博得了全场每个人的注意,直到突然,我听到前排有个声音在对我的鼻子评头论足。)
18、After a few moments of indecision, and seeing that he was not about to change his attitude, I stood up and punched him in the nose.(我犹豫了片刻,在看出他的态度不会发生改变后,站了起来,一拳打在了他的鼻子上。)
19、We live in a world that valorizes this idea of work. We talk about work using phrases like, “keep your nose to the grindstone” and “no pain, no gain.(我们生活在一个工作概念模式化的世界里,谈起工作,我们常会引用一些短语,比如:“埋头苦干”和“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”。)
20、A human's scent membrane in the nose is about the size of a postage stamp.(人类鼻腔内的嗅膜大小约相当于一张邮票。)
21、Zina: Are you still mad about your nose?(吉娜:还在气你鼻子的事啊?)
22、About 1 in 5 people taking sibutramine get some of these side effects: headaches, a dry mouth, constipation, difficulty sleeping, an itchy, runny nose and a dry, sore throat.(服用西布曲明胶囊后,约每5人中就有1人产生如下副反应:头痛,口干,便秘,失眠,瘙痒,流鼻涕以及喉咙干痛。)
23、Every place will tell a story it could not before, without a nose to find the data about it and a data base to store it and a mind to process it.(每一处地方都会讲述自身的故事,而在之前是无法办到的,因为之前没有搜寻数据的鼻子和存储这些数据的数据库以及对其进行处理的大脑。)
24、But you can also get your nose in a book - and, ironically, while "learning about life" you may be simultaneously avoiding it.(你可能会一头钻进书里,但是生活的真谛会与从书中学到的知识相悖。)
25、Redesigned with aero engines and larger wings, it could be made to fly at about 900 kilometres per hour with its nose angled up by about 5 degrees, Hawkes says.(要是重新设计一番,将它的翅膀加大,用航空发动机替代现有发动机,向上倾斜5度角飞行,每小时它大概能飞900公里,霍克斯说;)
26、I'll go andnose about for more news.(我们去打听一下更多的消息。)
27、You mustnose about for the information you need before you do it.(在做之前你必须打听你需要的信息。)
28、But the wall is interrupted by a deep ditch, where pigsnose about with birds perched on their backs.(但是这堵墙被一条很深的水沟一分为二,在那里猪边走变嗅,小鸟在它们的背上休息。)
nose about
英 [nəuz əˈbaut] 美 [noz əˈbaʊt]
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