1、And they canmore succinctly make their arguments.(他们可以更简练地讲出他们的观点。)
2、Less is more in this case, but don't be afraid to explore using a combination of text, photos, and video to clearly and succinctly show off your product or service.(在这种情况下,浓缩就是精华。然而,不妨利用文本、图片和视频的组合形式,简明清晰地展示你的产品或服务。)
3、Or, as President Clinton's Medicare chief Bruce Vladeck puts itmore succinctly, "What people don't understand about Medicare is how crappy the benefit package is."(在克林顿时期作为保障制度的主要负责人BruceViadeck则更简洁的指出“这个制度的蹩脚之处就在于人们不理解这个医疗保障制度是如何打包获益的构成和变化”。)
4、The code even looks similar in many cases, just statedmore succinctly.(代码在大多数情况下看起来也都大同小异,唯一的,只是更简洁了。)
5、No example portrayed thismore succinctly that photogenic "Smiling Chiefs."(没有比特别上相的“微笑的首领”能更简明扼要地反映这一点了。)
6、Archaeological data are all changes in the material world resulting from human action or,more succinctly, the fossilized results of human behavior.(考古学的资料就是人类行为所造成的物质变化。更简洁地说,是石化了的人类行为。)
7、A co-worker put it very succinctly: Knowing how to lose weight is simple – fewer calories in, more calories out – but the discipline to do it is hard!(一个同事曾经非常好的概括道:减肥其实很简单——卡路里少摄入,多排出——可是要坚持实施却很难。)
8、MOA-2007-BLG-192-L b, ormore succinctly MOA-192 b, may not have the catchiest name in the galaxy, but it's an interesting planet nonetheless.(MOA-2007-BLG-192-Lb也可以简称MOA-192b。或许名字算不上朗朗上口,但仍然是很有意思的一颗行星。)
more succinctly