1、Each day that passed he grewmore and more desperate.(他一天天变得越来越绝望。)
2、more and more TV and radio stations are crowding the airwaves.(愈来愈多的电视台和广播电台使无线电波段愈来愈拥挤。)
3、more and more restaurants are providing nonsmoking areas.(越来越多的餐馆正在提供无烟区。)
4、I was becomingmore and more irritated by his behaviour.(我对他的行为越来越感到恼火。)
5、more and more people are surviving heart attacks.(越来越多的人在心脏病发作后存活下来。)
6、more and more criminals will agree to plea-bargain.(越来越多的罪犯会同意接受庭外和解。)
7、Graduates are finding itmore and more difficult to find employment.(毕业生感到找工作越来越难。)
8、more and more younger females join us.(越来越多的年轻女性加入我们。)
9、We makemore and more rubbish every day.(我们每天制造越来越多的垃圾。)
10、He's becomingmore and more obsessive about punctuality.(他对守时要求越来越过分了。)
11、more and more restaurants agreed to join.(越来越多的餐馆同意加入。)
12、more and more people are using the Internet.(越来越多人在使用互联网。)
13、more and more victims turn to litigation to redress wrongs done to them.(越来越多的受害者诉诸法律以获得平反。)
14、As time went on he grewmore and more impatient.(时间长了,他越来越没有耐心。)
15、As the evening wore on, she becamemore and more nervous.(随着夜色渐深,她越来越紧张。)
16、Learning becomesmore and more difficult as we get older.(当我们年纪越大,学习就变得越来越困难。)
17、more and more young men are widowed by cancer.(越来越多的男青年被癌症夺去妻子。)
18、Likemore and more women, she believes wedlock would cramp her style.(和越来越多的女性一样,她认为婚姻会束缚她的行为方式。)
19、As the great day approached, she grewmore and more nervous.(随着这重大日子的临近她心情越来越紧张。)
20、His behaviour towards her was becomingmore and more aggressive.(他对待她的态度越来越蛮横。)
21、Stores spendmore and more on crime prevention every year.(商店每年在防止犯罪方面的花费越来越多。)
22、The atmosphere in the meeting was gettingmore and more tense.(会议的气氛越来越紧张。)
23、She becamemore and more talkative as the evening went on.(夜渐深,她的话越来越多。)
24、She was gettingmore and more irritated at his comments.(她对他的评论越来越感到恼火。)
25、As Christmas neared, the children becamemore and more excited.(快过圣诞节了,孩子们越来越兴奋。)
26、She spendsmore and more time alone in her room.(她一个人待在屋里的时间越来越多。)
27、Her life was headingmore and more where she wanted it to go.(她的生活正越来越朝着她想要的方向发展。)
28、It was becomingmore and more difficult to live on his salary.(他越来越难以靠他的工资维持生计了。)
29、The world is more literate than ever before—there aremore and more readers, andmore and more books.(这个世界比以往任何时候都更具文化素养,这里有越来越多的读者和书籍。)
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英 [mɔ: ænd mɔ:] 美 [mɔr ənd mɔr]
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