1、Thanks to my English teacher, I turned from a problem child into amodel student in just one year.(多亏了我的英语老师,我在一年内从问题儿童变成了模范学生。)
2、Graduate cultivating model follows the grown-up of talents and social requirement to structure the knowledge, skills and quality of graduate student.(研究生培养模式遵循高层次人才成长规律和社会需求,为研究生构建知识、能力、素质结构以及实现这种结构的一种样式和运行方式。)
3、Through generalized ridge estimator model, we obtain that average tuition and training expense, nation allocation per student respectively have negative and positive correlation.(通过建立广义岭估计模型,分析得到平均学费和生均培养费成负相关,与国家生均拨款成正相关。)
4、So we take the training of teacher-student relationship for example to explore the feasibility and efficiency of the computer assistant mental quality education model.(因此,我们以师生关系训练为例,探讨计算机辅助心理素质教育模式的可行性与有效性。)
5、University student physical quality test evaluation model based on neural network was set up (according) to "University student Sports Qualification Standard".(依据《大学生体育合格标准》,建立起神经网络的学习样本,提出了基于神经网络的的男子大学生身体素质评估的训练模型。)
6、If the goal is to educate all students so they have an all-American shot at realizing their dreams, we must find a way to disrupt the monolithic classroom and move toward a student-centric model.(如果学校的目标是教育好所有的学生,那么他们应该尝试去发现他们所有人的梦想,我们必须要找到一种打破统一的教学,把注意力放在以学生为中心的模式上的方法。)
7、In our country, training model for medical student includes basic science of medicine, specially clinic course and practice in hospital.(我国传统的医学生培养模式由医学基础课程、临床专业课程及临床实习三部分组成。)
8、We. have named the disorder as"Intellectual Disturbance Syndrome in Middle School Student"(IDS)on the basis of Biological-psychosocial medical model.(根据生物—心理—社会医学模式,我们把该病命名为“中学生智力障碍综合征”。)
9、Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become) amodel student.(你价意被称为坏门生吗?虽然不。就我所知,每小我私人都规划做楷模门生。)
10、Do you think it is hard to be amodel student?(你认为要当一名模范生很难吗?)
11、By means of program training, direct individual student guidance and indirect parental guidance, an integrative educational interfering model was conducted to promote pupils learning adaptability.(运用专题辅导、个别咨询辅导和家庭间接辅导相结合的整合性教育干预模式提高小学生学习适应能力。)
12、The Beijing News reported on January 5 that a 19-year-old Chinese college student called Su Zizi (not her real name) paid her college tuition fees by posing naked in model portraits.(《新京报》1月5日报道称,19岁的中国大学生苏紫紫(化名)拍裸模写真来支付自己的学费。)
13、In the construction of intelligence CAI system, the student model database establishment is the core question.(在建造智能CAI系统时,学生模型库的建立是智能CAI系统的核心问题。)
14、Everybody looked upon me as amodel student.(人人都把我看作是一个模范生。)
15、The MStudent model is responsible for interacting with the student table in the database.(MStudent模型负责与数据库内的student表进行交互。)
16、According to the National Enquirer, the Swedish ex-model was "shocked" when the "hunky student" kissed her while walking back to her car in the school parking lot.(根据国家问讯,瑞典模特的安蒂娜·福萨表示震惊当那个“学生”吻她的脸颊时,她正向停在学校停车场的车走去。)
17、Cooperative learning, as a new teaching model, has been used at all student levels, in many subjects all over the world, because of its extraordinary outcomes derived from experts' research.(合作学习作为一种新的课堂管理模式,源于其多方面的优势,已被广泛使用于全世界各个层次的教学实践中。)
18、I want to be amodel student.(我想做一名模范生。)
19、In one year she turned from a problem child into amodel student.(一年内,她从问题儿童变成了模范学生。)
20、Fourth, the "Cooperative learning" educational model regards as the student cognition ability and the teaching organization ability raise its core.(第四,“合作学习”教学模式把学生认知能力和教学组织能力的培养视为其核心。)
21、Once a boy who spent most of his time sulking , Mike was now amodel student.(以前常常闷闷不乐的迈克现在成了模范生。)
22、It would be greatly appreciated if you could talk with your child about the importance of listening, being amodel student, being respectful and demonstrating behaviour which is not disruptive.(如果您能和您的孩子谈谈上课听讲有多么的重要;要成为一名小榜样;要有礼貌和遵守课堂纪律而不要上课捣乱,我真是感激不尽。)
23、As a girl she had been amodel student.(还是女孩的时候她一直是模范学生。)
24、In the adaptability teaching system, it has important meaning to research how to design and use student model to realize the personalization of teaching with adaptability.(在适应性教学系统中,研究如何设计学生模型来实现教学的个性化和适应性有着重要的意义。)
25、Days ago a Korean friend called me, telling me that the newspaper issued by the overseas students' union of Nankai University would open up a new column named "Model Oversea Student".(前几天有个韩国朋友突然给我打电话,说从这个月开始,南开大学留学生会发行的报刊打算增加一个栏目,就是“模范留学生”。)
26、For most startups the model should be grad student, not law firm.(创业初期的公司形象,应该是一个刚毕业的大学生,而不是一家律所。)
model student