1、Avoid projectile toys, such as darts, bows and arrows, andmissile-firing toys.(避免投射类的玩具,例如飞镖,弓和箭以及点燃弹射类的玩具。)
2、An EMP strike to reduce the efficiency of anti-missile defences followed by a 'proper' nuclear strike.(一波“适度”核打击之后再进行电磁脉冲打击,削弱反导系统的作战效能。)
3、Themissile fell harmlessly into the sea.(导弹落到了海里,没有导致任何伤害。)
4、He was trained to be an engineer and was sent to Russia to studymissile technology.(他被训练成一名工程师,并被送到俄罗斯学习导弹技术。)
5、missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion.(导弹的部署进一步地加剧了意见的分化。)
6、Themissile can carry a 1,000kg payload up to 1,300 miles.(这枚导弹可以承载1000千克的炸药量运行最远1300英里。)
7、After tense negotiations, the Cubanmissile crisis is defused.(经紧张谈判后,古巴核危机得以缓和。)
8、The Air Force quickly became the think tank's main contractor, and Rand began consulting on everything from propeller turbines tomissile defense.(空军很快成为了这家智库的主要承包商,兰德开始就从螺旋桨涡轮到导弹防御等一切问题进行咨询。)
9、The newmissile is expected to be ready in 2014.(这种新型靶弹的研制预计将在2014年完成。)
10、It went through him like amissile, but he never lost consciousness on the long trip to the village doctor.(长途跋涉后加茨在村里找到了医生,他当时竟然还是清醒的。)
11、He might pick up amissile of some kind, like a spear typically, and fire it at somebody as he goes by.(他可能会带上某种导弹,比如特质的尖矛,向经过他的某人开火。)
12、Themissile buried itself deep in the grassy hillside.(导弹深深地嵌入绿色的山坡中。)
13、Themissile-reduction treaty makes sweeping cuts, but the arms race isn't over by a long shot.(削减导弹条约引起大范围的裁减,但是军备竞赛根本没有结束。)
14、However, the object does not come from a rocket ormissile.(然而,该物体并非来自火箭或导弹。)
15、Cirincione says there is another reason why Russia opposes themissile defense plan.(武器控制专家约瑟夫。斯里奇·奥尼说,俄罗斯之所以反对美方的计划,其中还有另外一个原因。)
16、Themissile homed in on the target.(导弹正向目标飞去。)
17、They claimed to have shot down one incomingmissile.(他们声称已经击落了一枚来袭的导弹。)
18、Barthelette served eight years at variousmissile sites, including Bitburg, Germany.(巴萨莱特在各个发射井间干了七年。有个施工地点甚至在德国比特堡。)
19、The anti-missile shield needed to be developed at enormous cost and he can use the savings elsewhere.(反导防御系统的开发需要巨大开支,他可以使用这节省开支到别的地方。)
20、This is not the first time that a spacecraft has been used as an AD hocmissile.(这并非是首次将宇宙飞船当作巨型火箭使用。)
21、The plane was shot down in error by a NATOmissile.(那架飞机被北大西洋公约组织的一颗导弹错误地击落了。)
22、The guidance systems didn't work and themissile couldn't hit its target.(制导系统失灵了,所以导弹没能命中目标。)
23、As the plane tries to dodge it, themissile corrects its course.(当飞机试图闪避它时,导弹修正了它的路线。)
24、Their most potent weapon was the Exocetmissile.(他们效力最强的武器是飞鱼导弹。)
25、The Italian government has said in a preliminary report that the plane was hit by a heat-seekingmissile.(意大利政府在一份初步报告中说道,飞机是被一枚热追踪导弹击中的。)
26、It could just be a particular piece of themissile.(它可能只是导弹的一个特定部分。)
英 [ˈmɪsaɪl] 美 [ˈmɪsl]