
long johns造句

long johns造句

1、Lilundu eventually accepted me too, but on her own terms, and allowed me to accompany her on long walks-just the two of us along the Zambezi River. -chris Johns.(利伦嘟最后还是接受我了,但是是以她自己的定位,允许我和她单独在赞比西河畔长长漫步。)

2、long johns were first made popular in the 19th century by the English company John Smedley which still produces them today.(其实秋裤早在19世纪便盛行一时,最先推出这种长裤的英国公司约翰•斯梅德利至今仍在生产它们。)

3、Surelong johns do a good job keeping people warm. But for many people, they have been something for grandparents, or rather, they are a fashion no-no.(秋裤的确有很好的保暖作用,但对大多数人而言,它们属于祖辈,或者更确切的说,它们是时尚大忌。)

4、long johns for women were first used to create a slimmer look.(女人穿的秋裤最先是用来显瘦的。)

5、Molten glass is turned into insulation at the Johns-Manville Corporation in Berlin, New Jersey the orange-hot fluid is forced through holes in a palladium sheet to form long, thin fibers.(在新泽西州柏林的约翰·曼维尔公司,熔融玻璃已被转化为绝缘物。把橙色的热流体压过钯片上的小孔,形成了长而细的纤维。)

6、However antiquated the idea oflong johns might seem, most of us are a wearing a design evolution of them when we layer up or down throughout the year.(然而,陈旧的秋裤创意也许过时了,这些年我们中的大部分人都穿着新潮设计的秋衣裤。)

7、Many a rookie has been ridiculed and laughed at the first time he swallowed his pride and donned hislong johns.(很多新兵在放下自负,第一次穿上戎行发的longjohns后,都会遭到周围人的嘲讽和嘲笑。)

8、Some of it we turned up in documents long overlooked in the archives of Johns Hopkins.(一些线索来自于长期受忽略的约翰•霍普金斯大学的档案。)

9、And British actor Jude Law even sported a pair oflong johns at a London airport earlier last year, together with a loosely structured jacket and T-shirt, which made a lot of jaws drop.(去年早些时候,英国演员裘德•洛现身伦敦机场时甚至就穿着一条秋裤,再搭配松垮的夹克和T恤,令无数人大跌眼镜。)

10、Eery winter, when the temperature plummets to new lows and everyone begins to layer up, the classic joke about pulling outlong johns from the cedar closet inevitably starts to make the rounds.(每个冬天,当气温骤降到新低,每个人都开始把自己层层裹紧,而且从杉木衣柜里不可避免地拽出秋裤并开始套着它四处走动的时候,经典笑话应运而生。)

long johns 基本释义

long johns
