1、John'slong hair waved.(约翰长发飘动着。)
2、long hair for men came in in the sixties.(男子留长发在60年代流行开来。)
3、She has a very tiny waist andlong hair that's always perfect.(她有着纤细的腰与一头完美的秀发。)
4、long hair sets more easily than short hair.(长发比短发更容易卷成所需要的发型。)
5、Did she use to havelong hair?(她过去留长发吗?)
6、She spent hours in front of the mirror, combing through herlong hair.(她在镜子前花费好几个钟头梳理她的长发。)
7、long hair for men seems to be coming back in.(男子留长发好像又在流行了。)
8、long hair IS HIGH MAINTENANCE.(长发需要特别保养。)
9、No matter what my academic record, all he can see is mylong hair.(不管我的学术成绩怎么样,他能看见的就只有我的长头发。)
10、Viewed from the north side, the beautiful fall just looks like three fairies withlong hair.(从北面看去,美丽的瀑布就像三个长发仙女。)
11、MEN LIKElong hair.(男人喜欢长发。)
12、He wearslong hair.(他留着长发。)
13、It's becoming fashionable to havelong hair again.(现在又开始流行蓄长发了。)
14、She was tall and beautiful, withlong hair.(她又高又漂亮,还有一头长发。)
15、One of the guys haslong hair and a beard.(还有个男的留长发、蓄胡子。)
16、He haslong hair, but he is a handsome boy.(他有一头长发,但他是一个英俊的男孩。)
17、She was always combing herlong hair, waiting for people to say how beautiful it was and how her skin was soft.(她总是梳着长长的头发,等着人们夸她的头发多么漂亮,她的皮肤多么细腻。)
18、Other children often tease him because of hislong hair.(因为他的长头发,其他孩子经常取笑他。)
19、She had herlong hair cut into a boyish crop.(她让人把她的长发剪成了像男孩子的短发。)
20、They frankly dislike the RSC's actors, them with theirlong hair and beards and sandals and noisiness.(他们毫不掩饰对皇家莎士比亚剧团演员的反感,不喜欢他们的长发、胡子、凉鞋,也不喜欢他们吵闹。)
21、If you havelong hair, you should squeeze the extra water from your hair with a towel.(如果你是长发,你应该用毛巾把头发上多余的水挤出来。)
22、The girl ran like the wind, with herlong hair flying about her face.(那姑娘飞奔而去,长长的头发在脸上飘拂。)
23、long hair tangles easily.(长头发容易缠结。)
24、Herlong hair was streaming in the wind.(她的长发在风中飘动。)
25、He haslong hair.(他留着长头发。)
26、Also, he used to wearlong hair and have an untidy lab.(而且,他以前留长发,有一个不整洁的实验室。)
27、Hislong hair and filthy clothes repelled her.(他的长头发和脏衣服使她感到厌恶。)
28、Mylong hair was always in my eyes and face.(我的长发总是飘到我的眼睛和脸上。)
29、In the end, Beethoven'slong hair will become three shining diamonds.(最后,贝多芬的长发将变成三颗闪亮的钻石。)
long hair