
live by造句

live by造句

1、You willlive by the sword and you will serve your brother.(你必倚靠刀剑度日,又必事奉你的兄弟;)

2、I like tolive by the sea and hear the waves swashing.(我喜欢住在海边,听海浪发出的拍击声。)

3、Can individualslive by Numbers?(个体可以根据数据生活吗?)

4、Childrenlive by their instincts openly and without hesitation.(——孩子们是完全凭直觉来生活的,而且从不犹豫。)

5、The ceremony was transmittedlive by satellite to over fifty countries.(典礼通过卫星向五十多个国家进行了实况转播。)

6、Would you like to know how wolveslive by staying in their pack?(你想过和狼群待在一起以了解它们的生活吗?)

7、You reallylive by the river?(你真的住在河边吗?)

8、Fortunately, at home, Ilive by a beach.(幸运的是,在家的时候,我就住在海边。)

9、The concert will be broadcastlive by the BBC.(这场音乐会将由英国广播公司实况转播。)

10、I'm glad you won'tlive by yourself anymore.(我很高兴你不再一个人住了。)

11、Ilive by myself.(我自己一个人生活。)

12、I try tolive by that on a daily basis.(我每天都在努力按照这个生活。)

13、Here are four rules I've come tolive by.(以下是我生活的四条生活法则。)

14、The interview camelive by satellite from Hollywood.(采访是通过卫星从好莱坞现场传来的。)

15、Either Entergy never really intended tolive by those commitments, or it simply didn't foresee what would happen next.(要么Entergy从未真正打算遵守这些承诺,要么它根本就没有预见到接下来会发生什么。)

16、He is going tolive by the coast for the sake of his health.(他为了自己的健康,打算到海滨地区去居住。)

17、This is what we need tolive by.(这才是我们所赖以生存的追求。)

18、We shouldlive by our own principles.(我们应该按照自己的原则生活。)

19、He had tolive by himself.(他不得不独自生活。)

20、The problem with such a view is that some people actually attempt tolive by it.(这种观点的问题在于,实际上有些人试图信奉它。)

21、Its people willlive by the laws of French Polynesia.(其人民将按照法属波利尼西亚的法律生活。)

22、Let uslive by their example.(让我们以他们为榜样生活。)

23、People in floating cities willlive by the laws of French Polynesia.(漂浮城市中的人们将按照法属波利尼西亚的法律生活。)

24、There may be giant plankton on gaseous planets. They float in a thick atmosphere like small spaceships andlive by "eating" lightning.(气态星球上可能存在巨型浮游生物。它们像小型飞船那样漂在厚厚的大气中,靠“吃”闪电获取能量为生。)

25、They notice everything andlive by their senses.(它们通过感觉来观察和生活。)

26、That's a philosophy I couldlive by.(那就是我所信奉的人生哲学。)

live by 基本释义

live by

英 [liv bai] 美 [liv baɪ] 

靠 ... 为生; 住在 ... 附近