1、Editors rushed out a piece on the crash for thelate news.(编辑迅速将失事消息编入晚间新闻。)
2、Late-breaking news stories previously meant that whole pages needed to be re-written, but a blank panel in the corner of the front page now caters for that event.(以前,如遇突发性重要新闻,所有的版面需要重写。现在,头版的一角会留一处空白,以应对突发事件。)
3、In addition, several local businesses that used to run advertisements during our late-night news program have just cancelled their advertising contracts with us.(而且,若干曾经在我们深夜新闻节目播放广告的地方企业刚刚取消了和我们的广告契约。)
4、Have you noticed thelate news?(你有没有留意最近的新闻?)
5、Molly, it's too dangerous to drive a hundred miles late at night after hearing unpleasant news.(茉莉,你刚听了不好的消息,夜晚开一百多里车过来,这样太危险啦。)
6、Over the past year, our late-night news program has devoted increased time to national news and less time to weather and local news.(过去一年里,我们的深夜新闻节目增加了全国新闻的播放时间,减少天气预报和地方新闻的播放时间。)
7、Late in the day, Bear Stearns issued a news release, quoting Mr. Schwartz as saying that the company's "balance sheet, liquidity, and capital remain strong."(当日晚些时候,贝尔斯登发布消息,引用施瓦茨的话,声称“公司的资产负债表、资金流动性与资产仍然表现正常”。)
8、The news of Anderson's surrender reached Washington late Saturday, April thirteenth.(安德森投降的消息于1861年4月13日晚(星期六)传到了华盛顿。)
9、Ever find that you get really sleepy at 10 p. m., that the sleepiness passes, and that by the time thelate news comes on, you're wide-awake? Some experts believe sleepiness comes in cycles.(有没有发现在晚上十点的时候你特别困,随后这股困劲过去了,在晚间新闻开始的时候你又一点都不想睡了?一些专家认为困意具有周期性。)
10、In addition, local businesses that used to advertise during our late-night news program have just canceled their advertising contracts with us.(此外,曾经在我们深夜新闻节目中做广告的当地企业刚刚取消了与我们的广告合同。)
11、For more information and late-breaking news check in to their VLP twitter page every so often or their website.(请通过VLP微博页面或其网站了解更多信息和最新消息。)
12、The biggest advance came late on December 8th, when news surfaced of a breakthrough deal on the public option.(最大的进展在12月8日姗姗来迟,关于公立保险机构取得重大突破的消息浮出水面。)
13、Ever find that you get really sleepy at 10 p.m., that the sleepiness passes, and that by the time thelate news comes on, you're wide-awake?(有没有发现在晚上十点的时候你特别困,随后这股困劲过去了,在晚间新闻开始的时候你又一点都不想睡了?)
14、Bad news is good news when you are the challenger, and the news has been awful of late.(作为挑战的一方,坏消息成了好机会。)
15、Late last week, some "news" about Chinese takeaways spread like a rash over the Internet.(上周,一些关于中式外卖的新闻在互联网上疯传。)
16、The editors rushed out an item on the crash for thelate news.(编辑们赶着将坠机事件编入最新新闻报道。)
17、Here is alate news flash.(现在插播刚刚收到的新闻。)
18、The news of the plan provoked a public outcry on the Internet after local newspapers reported in late March.(在地方媒体在三月末报道后,该计划的消息在互联网上引起公众的强烈不满。)
19、So turn off thelate news.(因此,关闭晚间新闻。)
20、FastSOA may federate news analysis articles published on a Web site with late breaking news stories from several RSS feeds.(FastSOA可以通过RSSfeeds把发表在一个网站上的新闻评论文章和刚刚发生的新闻故事关联起来。)
21、Skip the late night news on TV. It's even more negative than the morning news.(不看晚间新闻,它们更消极。)
22、Initial news of a possible deal came shortly after the Senate delayed consideration of a debt ceiling proposal by Reid late Saturday night, pushing back a key procedural vote by 12 hours.(先前有消息称,协议可能在参议院周六晚推迟考虑里德提出的债务上限提案后不久达成,一项重要的程序性投票被推迟12小时。)
23、I wasn't able to deal with them here at the time because of the climate negotiations and other news, but better late than never.(因为气候谈判正在进行还有其他的原因,此时此地我虽不能将他们一一解决,但总比坐而论道强。)
24、Thelate news bulletin on state television showed images of the sultan's coffin being buried in Sokoto by a crowd of men in white robes. His son, a senator, also died in the crash.(在最新的新闻报道中,国家电视台播放了这位苏丹的灵柩由一群身穿白袍的男人埋葬在巴法阿瓦的镜头。同机遇难的还有他的一位当参议员的儿子。)
25、It's time for thelate news. Flip it to channel 6, Laura.(夜间新闻时间到了,劳拉,转到第六频道去。)
late news