1、Stress andlack of sleep can aggravate the situation.(紧张和缺少睡眠会使情况恶化。)
2、Anxiety can be caused bylack of sleep.(睡眠不足可能导致焦虑。)
3、Some teachers felt hindered by alack of resources.(有些教师因资源不足而感到困难重重。)
4、Newspaperslack the immediacy of television.(报纸缺乏电视的即时性。)
5、His ideaslack depth.(他的想法缺乏深度。)
6、They were exhausted fromlack of sleep.(他们因睡眠不足而疲惫不堪了。)
7、Hospitalslack even basic drugs for surgical operations.(医院甚至缺乏外科手术的基本必需的药品。)
8、Her brain was befogged bylack of sleep.(她因缺乏睡眠而头脑昏沉。)
9、They felt frustrated at thelack of progress.(没有进展,他们感到懊丧。)
10、Two out of five peoplelack a proper job.(2/5的人缺乏一份像样的工作。)
11、lack of daylight can make people feel depressed.(缺乏日光的照射会让人情绪低落。)
12、Mom was incensed at hislack of compassion.(妈妈对他缺乏同情心非常愤怒。)
13、Herlack of experience told against her.(她缺乏经验对她不利。)
14、Mylack of practical experience was a disadvantage.(我缺少实际经验是个不利条件。)
15、The campaign petered out forlack of support.(那场运动因缺乏支持者而最终烟消云散。)
16、Unfortunately welack the resources to modernize.(遗憾的是我们缺乏现代化所需的财力。)
17、The charges were dropped forlack of evidence.(由于缺少证据,起诉被撤销了。)
18、She suffers from alack of confidence.(她深受缺乏自信心之苦。)
19、He suffers from alack of self-regard.(他缺乏自尊。)
20、She shows a lamentablelack of understanding.(她显得缺乏理解能力,实在令人遗憾。)
21、She was disappointed by hislack of initiative.(她对他缺乏主动性感到失望。)
22、As a writer he seemed tolack creative spark.(作为作家,他似乎缺少创作激情。)
23、She had bleary red eyes fromlack of sleep.(她由于缺乏睡眠而双眼昏花,布满血丝。)
24、He was painfully aware of hislack of experience.(他痛苦地意识到自己缺乏经验。)
25、You can't fault them forlack of invention.(你不能因为他们没有发明而加以批评他们。)
26、lack of vitamin D is another factor to consider.(缺乏维生素D是另一个需要考虑的因素。)
27、Older cars inevitablylack the latest safety refinements.(较老式的汽车难免缺乏最新的安全改进。)
28、Her eyes ached fromlack of sleep.(她的眼睛因睡眠不足而隐隐作痛。)
29、Research has been constrained by alack of funds.(研究工作因经费不足而受限制。)
30、There was a tremendouslack of communication between us.(我们之间极其缺乏沟通。)
英 [læk] 美 [læk]
过去式: lacked 过去分词: lacked 现在分词: lacking 第三人称单数: lacks