1、The keyboard is a large and clumsy instrument as far as portable computers are concerned.(就便携式电脑而言,这种键盘又大又笨拙。)
2、Music An electronic instrument, often played with a keyboard, that combines simple waveforms to produce more complex sounds, such as those of various other instruments.(一种电子乐器,常用一键盘演奏,它把简单的波形合在一起以便产生复杂的音响,如其它各种乐器的音响。)
3、The electric piano is the modern electronic technology and music union product, is one kind of newkeyboard instrument.(电子琴是现代电子科技与音乐结合的产物,是一种新型的键盘乐器。)
4、The piano is akeyboard instrument with a history of over 200 years.(钢琴是一种键盘乐器,其历史在二百年以上。)
5、In 1995, when the ban went into effect, the only instrument allowed in the Cumberland prison was the harmonica, but inmates who already had a guitar or electronic keyboard were allowed to keep them.(1995年该禁令实行后,坎伯兰监狱的囚犯们被允许拥有的乐器就只剩下口琴了,但在此之前已经有电吉他或键盘的囚犯被批准可以保留这些乐器。)
6、The accordion is also another kind ofkeyboard instrument, as well as the modern organ and electric keyboard.(手风琴键盘也是另一种仪器,以及现代器官及电气键盘。)
7、This 'pen sort of instrument' produces both the monitor as well as the keyboard on any flat surfaces from where you can carry out functions you would normally do on your desktop computer.(这种“钢笔式仪器”能在任何平面上造就键盘和监视器,从而使您能够完成台式计算机的功能。)
8、The accordion is a young multi-musical part multiplicationkeyboard instrument, is one of instrumental music teaching important performance methods.(手风琴是一门年轻的多声部多元化的键盘乐器,是器乐教学的重要表现手段之一。)
keyboard instrument