1、jot down the first twenty ideas that come to mind.(抄下心中浮现的前20个主意。)
2、See Resources below for more information onjot and rs.(请参阅下面的参考资料以了解关于jot和rs的更多信息。)
3、Use your break to journal orjot down a few ideas for your next post.(利用你的休息期刊或记下一些设想你下一篇文章。)
4、Have a pad and pencil ready andjot down some of your thoughts.(准备一本便笺簿和一支铅笔,迅速地记下你的一些想法。)
5、At the end of every day,jot down a brief note on how peppy or tired you felt.(每天结束时,随便写上一小段,记下你感到多么有活力或多么疲劳。)
6、Take the time tojot down the general ideas that you want to convey in this letter.(花点时间构思一下在信里面都想说什么。)
7、Whenever you can't manage tojot down your thoughts in a linear fashion, try graphically.(没当你没办法用文字记下你的想法的时候,可以试试图表。)
8、Christine uses her journal tojot down ideas and lists of things to do.(克里斯蒂娜用她的日志簿简单记下自己的想法和要做的事情清单。)
9、If you find it hard to express emotions,jot down talking points, or write a letter.(如果你难于表达情感,记下一些要点关键词或者写成信。)
10、None made ajot of difference to escalating wage agreements.(但在免于形成高工资协议上毫无效果。)
11、jot down your thoughts about these events.(并写下你对这些事情的想法。)
12、jot down questions which occur while you're reading, or any new ideas or insights.(记下阅读中碰到的问题,或者任何新想法或思考。)
13、Justjot down, in a few words, any tasks which you want to get done.(只是快速记下关于任何你想要着手做的事情的几个关键词。)
14、Keep a notepad handy andjot down cause and effect, observations, and hypotheses.(用一个笔记本记下每次暂停时的情况,观察并推测原因。)
15、Among these were many well-known rascals, who cared not ajot for study or for success.(这其中有很多出名的小无赖,他们对学习和成就一丁点儿也不在意。)
16、They all moaned, though they were not really considering the feelings of the unhappy parents onejot.(他们都在悲叹,尽管他们一点也没有真正考虑这对不幸的父母的感受。)
17、In this perspective, we have an image of the awesome power of the Deity himself thundering away behind everyjot and tittle of Milton's great epic.(从这个角度来看,我们可以看到弥尔顿伟大史诗的每一处细节背后,都隐藏着神自己的强大力量。)
18、Quicklyjot down your thoughts or todoitems you don’t want to forget.(简单记下你的想法或是你不想忘记的待办事项。)
19、jot down the thought or idea and go back to what you were doing.(简单记下想法或念头,然后回去做你刚才做的事情。)
20、"That's not as intuitive or as fast as just being able tojot it down on paper," Ouyang says.(“这不像在可以在纸上快速画下了那么依靠直觉或那么快速。”欧阳说。)
21、Not once do any of these creatures disobey onejot or tittle of the laws of physics.(所有的这些生物从未有丝毫违背过物理学定律。)
22、Before bed,jot down what's on your mind and then set it aside for tomorrow.(睡觉前,草草记下你想的东西然后放一边明天再说。)
23、jot down three things he's done lately that you appreciate (OK, one?)(写下三件对方最近所做,你也欣赏的事。(好吧,一件?))
24、I'll justjot down the address for you.(我得赶快把地址给你写下来。)
25、Could you justjot his name on there?(你能就把他的名字简单记在那儿吗?)
26、The yellow food of even if ediblejot, effect equally pleased person.(即便食用少量的黄色食品,效果同样喜人。)
27、Keep yourself organized andjot down any important thoughts with these helpful Firefox tools.(保持井井有条并记下重要的想法,看看这些工具吧!)
28、Youjot down your message on a piece of paper and stuff it in an addressed envelope.(您很快在纸上写下这条消息并把它装在写有地址的信封里。)
英 [dʒɒt] 美 [dʒɑ:t]
过去式: jotted 过去分词: jotted 现在分词: jotting 第三人称单数: jots