1、Our companies willjoin hands to become the largest retailer in the world.(我们的公司将携手合作,成为世界上最大的零售商。)
2、Let'sjoin hands to work for our health together.(让我们为我们的健康携手合作吧。)
3、Let usjoin hands to build a green earth to re-bar!(让我们携起手来,重新建设一个绿色的地球吧!)
4、Education has been reluctant tojoin hands with business.(教育一向不肯与企业联手。)
5、WEN: We shouldjoin hands and meet the crisis together.(温:我们应该携手合作、共担危机。)
6、Let usjoin hands to stride towards such a goal.(让我们携起手来,朝着上述目标不断前进!)
7、Let us strengthen confidence,join hands and work together with strong hope for an even brighter future for Asia.(让我们坚定信心,满怀希望,携手合作,共同开创亚洲更加美好的未来!)
8、China stands ready tojoin hands with all countries to build an even better future for the generations to come.(中国愿同各国携手努力,共同为子孙后代创造更加美好的未来!)
9、In my opinion, our parents, school and society shouldjoin hands to help youth to get rid of computer games.(就我看来,我们的家长,学校以及社会应该合力让孩子们戒除对网络游戏的沉迷。)
10、Rounding out the ceremony, all rise,join hands and sing an uplifting song for world peace.(仪式完成后,所有人起立,手牵著手唱歌,为期望世界和平与和谐祈祷。)
11、They agreed to enhance solidarity, deepen cooperation andjoin hands to meet challenges.(各国应加强团结,深化合作,携手应对挑战。)
12、Let usjoin hands in friendship.(让我们携手共建友谊吧。)
13、We would like tojoin hands with you, create brilliance.(愿我们与您携手共进,共创辉煌。)
14、All in all, fake products hurt us and we shouldjoin hands to resist fake commodities.(总之,假冒产品会损害我们身体健康,我们应该联合起来抵制假冒产品。)
15、Since it's Thanksgiving Day, let'sjoin hands and give thanks before the traditional holiday feast.(既然是感恩节,在享受节日大餐之前,让我们手拉着手说些感谢的话吧。)
16、He suggested both countriesjoin hands to write new chapters for China-India friendly cooperation.(让我们携手努力,不断谱写中印友好合作的新篇章。)
17、Lett usjoin hands together to create a beautiful home!(让大家携起手来,共同创造这美丽的家园吧!)
18、If we can make good cars through an all-Japan co-operation, why notjoin hands? He says.(他表示:如果我们能通过这种日本国内的合作,制造出高质量的汽车,为什么不联手呢?)
19、Boys and girls, pleasejoin hands and bow your heads.(孩子们,请携起手,低下头来。)
20、It expects tojoin hands with ASEAN to accelerate East Asia cooperation during which China backs ASEAN to play a leading role.(愿同东盟携手推进东亚合作,支持东盟在合作中发挥主导作用。)
21、Let the people of our two countriesjoin hands and create jointly a bright future for China-Russia relations.(让我们两国人民携起手来,共同创造中俄关系的美好未来!)
22、join hands with one another and come to me.(大家手牵手一起过来。)
23、Let usjoin hands and advance together.(让我们携起手来,共同前进。)
24、Let usjoin hands together to create a safe campus!(让我们一起携手共同创建平安校园吧!)
25、Let's settle our differences andjoin hands in our work.(让我们消除分歧,在工作上携手合作吧。)
join hands
联手; 携手