
in the name of造句

in the name of造句

1、Many mistakes are madein the name of multi-processing.(人们对多处理这个名称存在许多误解。)

2、One common convention for naming service uses upper case letters to separate wordsin the name of the service.(命名服务的一个常见惯例是使用大写字母来分离服务名中的单词。)

3、I arrest youin the name of the law.(我依法逮捕你。)

4、Simply typein the name of your chosen ally, and, poof!, it appears.(只要写下你想叫来帮忙的东西的名字,然后,扑的一声,它就出现在你面前。)

5、T: Yes we do,in the name of Marshall.(是的,名字是马歇尔。)

6、Butin the name of justice, all men should be equal before laws.(但在公正的名义下,人人在法律面前平等。)

7、We want to be helped but helpedin the name of truth, with respect to what we are and what we want for ourselves.(我们希望被帮助,但要以真理的名义被帮助,尊重我们的本性和我们对自己的期望。)

8、We reserved two ticketsin the name of Brown.(我们用布朗的名字预订了两张票。)

9、Journalists may not solicit advertisementsin the name of news coverage.(新闻记者不得借采访名义招揽广告。)

10、in the name of refinement restraint was more evident than ever before.(精益求精的礼节规定使得人们受到比以前更加明显的约束。)

11、The bookin the name of people is so popular that copies in the bookstore have already been out.(这本书以人为本,很受欢迎,书店里已经卖完了。)

12、We have a reservationin the name of Grant.(我们是以格兰特的名字预订的。)

13、Perfidious media managers; treacheryin the name of truth.(背信弃义的媒体;打着真相名义的背信弃义。)

14、Wherein the name of Heaven have you been?(你到底上哪儿去了?)

15、He rejoicedin the name of Owen Owen.(他有个滑稽的名字叫欧文•欧文。)

16、Jobs had a reputation as a control freak, and his critics complained that the products and systems he designed were closed and inflexible,in the name of greater ease of use.(乔布斯有控制狂的名声,他的批评者们抱怨其设计的产品和系统为了所谓的易用性变得闭塞又呆板。)

17、How much harm will we do to ourselvesin the name of cheap meat?(我们将以廉价肉的名义对自身造成多大的危害?)

18、It is also why we have so much to gain,in the name of social justice.(也正是因此,为了社会公正,我们有那么多要去争取。)

19、Is it worth fighting a big war,in the name of an abstraction like sovereignty?(以象主权这样一个抽象概念的名义,值得打一场大战吗?)

20、I've reserved a roomin the name of Jones.(我以琼斯的名字预订了一个房间。)

21、Do you think that they would forfeit profitin the name of safety?(你认为他们会为了安全而自愿放弃利润吗?)

22、Next, typein the name of the appearance.(接下来,您要输入外观的名字。)

23、They justify villainyin the name of high ideals.(他们打着实现远大理想的幌子为他们的恶行开脱。)

24、Teamin the name of freedom, arrogance, trust - still didn't listen.(团队以自由、傲慢和信任的名义,仍没有听从。)

25、in the name of the Master, go forth and terrify.(以大师的名义,再接再厉,让世人坐卧不宁。)

26、He's writingin the name of Paul, but not really Paul.(他以保罗的名义写信,但他不是保罗。)

27、in the name of human nature, for example, Aristotle and most thinkers up to the eighteenth century defended slavery.(例如,到18世纪为止,亚里士多德和大多数思想家都以人性的名义为奴隶制辩护。)

in the name of 基本释义

in the name of

英 [in ðə neim ɔv] 美 [ɪn ði nem ʌv] 

以 ... 的名义,作为…的代表;归于…名下;以…为借口;凭…的权威