
in return for造句

in return for造句

1、You get a great deal of freedomin return for the cost of running your own site.(你做成了一笔不错的买卖,花钱运营自己的网站并以此换来自由。)

2、In fact, they have been funding me for yearsin return for favors.(实际上,他们这些年一直在给我提供资金支持,我当然也回报了他们不少的好处。)

3、The court did suggest that accepting favorsin return for opening doors is "distasteful" and "nasty".(法院的确认为,收受好处并为他人提供便利作为回报的行为“令人不快”且“下流龌龊”。)

4、In popular destinations you could be asked for moneyin return for taking a photo.(在一些游客众多的景点,有人会要你付钱后才让你拍照。)

5、in return for your kindness, I would like to invite you to dinner.(作为对你好心的报答,我想请你吃饭。)

6、"That isin return for your services." said the old woman, and she shut the gate.(“这是对你服务的回报。”老太婆说着,关上了门。)

7、in return for the scale of investment, they should share their expertise in order to build greater confidence in the sector.(作为对投资规模的回报,他们应该分享自己的专业知识以便在该领域建立更大的信心。)

8、Can I buy you lunchin return for your help?(感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好吗?)

9、The saboteurs had demanded moneyin return for revealing how they hacked into the systems.(这些破坏分子要求以钱作交换,才会透露他们是如何侵入该系统的。)

10、People, usually migrants from rural areas and jobless citizens, are hired to queue up for different types of tickets in large citiesin return for a pittance.(在大城市里被雇来替别人排队获取不同类票证,以获得微薄报酬的那些人,通常是来自乡村地区的移民者和无业人员。)

11、That is the least people deservein return for toiling until they are 70.(那是人们辛勤工作到70岁应得的最少的回报。)

12、Andin return for playing with them, the girls extract money from the boys.(作为与男孩们玩耍的回报,女孩们通常会向男孩收钱。)

13、in return for my wise counsel, he gave me the only fee I ever received for legal advice in the Elm Street Diner, a raffle ticket.(为了回报我精明的建议,他给了我一张兑奖券,这是我在埃尔姆街餐馆里得到的唯一一笔律师咨询费。)

14、Noticing the commotion, she reached into her purse for a handful of hard candies and offered them to the kidsin return for their good behavior.(她注意到骚动,从钱包里掏出一把硬糖,给了表现好的孩子们。)

15、The idea behind C++ was that programmers would work harderin return for more efficient code.(C++的理念是程序员需要更努力的工作才能换回更高效的代码。)

16、in return for his generosity, the legislature voted that the school be named Harvard College.(为了报答他的慷慨,立法机关投票决定将这所学校命名为哈佛学院。)

17、Maybe this is what he had in mind for me,in return for what he took.(也许这就是他想要我做的吧,把这当作他拿走东西的回报。)

18、I sent him a presentin return for his help.(我送给他一份礼物以回报他的帮助。)

19、Workingin return for accommodation is a great way to learn about a country.(打工换食宿是了解一个国家的不错方式。)

20、Everyone has a stake,in return for which they receive an annual bonus.(所有人都入股,作为回报,他们每年都获得分红。)

21、Where both negotiators had lived abroad, 70% struck a deal in which the seller was offered a management jobin return for a lower asking price.(在都有旅外经历的谈判双方中,70%顺利成交,交易中提供给卖家一份管理工作,交换条件是较低的要价。)

22、Essentially, you trade personal informationin return for more useful results.(实质上,你在用你的个人资料交换更多的有用信息。)

23、in return for low performance, it can be mounted on the back of a display.(尽管这款机型性能较低,但由于体积小重量轻,因此可以直接安装在显示器后面。)

24、It was granted a monopoly on joint-stock banking by Parliamentin return for giving war loans to the government.(作为向政府银行提供战争贷款的回报,议会授予它对股份制银行的垄断地位。)

25、However, when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers, so that each could observe what the other was gettingin return for its rock, their behavior became markedly different.(然而,当两只猴子被放置在不同但相邻的房间里,以便让它们观察到对方用石头换来了什么时,它们的行为就变得明显不同了。)

26、Still, it's debatable what companies getin return for offering the moon.(不过,现在也不确定企业的这种付出会得到什么样的回报。)

27、You sell them your time and laborin return for your salary.(你出售时间和劳力换来薪水。)

in return for 基本释义

in return for

作为 ... 的报酬; 替换