1、There will always be some people who need help and some who deserve to bein jail.(总有些人需要帮助,而有些人则应该被关进监狱。)
2、We weren'tin jail.(我们没在监狱。)
3、Two are stillin jail.(有两名至今还在监狱。)
4、The man was putin jail for grand larceny.(那人因重大盗窃案而被监禁。)
5、He picked a fight with a waiter and landedin jail.(他找茬儿和服务员打架,结果锒铛入狱。)
6、She spent a yearin jail.(她坐了一年牢。)
7、You could face up to eight yearsin jail for spreading rumours considered prejudicial to security.(散布危害社会安全的谣言会面临高达8年的监禁。)
8、He will probably diein jail.(他最后的生命可能要在监狱中度过。)
9、My last nightin jail was a Sunday.(周日,是我在看守所的最后一夜。)
10、One thing I'm concerned about is our practice of putting offendersin jail who haven't harmed anyone.(我担心的一件事是我们把没有伤害任何人的违法者关进监狱了。)
11、His enemies want him to serve two yearsin jail for his conviction on abuse of power.(他的敌人意欲以其滥用职权的罪名判处他入狱两年。)
12、He finally won his freedom after twenty yearsin jail.(他蹲了二十年监狱以后终于获得了自由。)
13、Spending a nightin jail was his road to Damascus.(在监狱里度过的一夜彻底改变了他的人生观。)
14、The four people were sentenced to a yearin jail and fined a total of 30m SKr ($3.6m), although they will appeal.(这四人被判决有期徒刑一年并总共罚款3000万瑞典克朗(360万美元),不过他们将上诉。)
15、The judge decides whether the suspect should be keptin jail or released.(法官决定嫌疑犯是应该被关进监狱还是应该被释放。)
16、All three women were putin jail.(三个女人都被扔进了监狱。)
17、He is stillin jail.(他仍然待在监狱。)
18、Well, he could sit around...in jail.(好吧,他可以无所事事……在监狱里。)
19、Only Mr Kim served any timein jail.(只有金先生吃了一段时间的牢狱之灾。)
20、How many yearsin jail?(监禁几年?)
21、Instead of ending upin jail or in the gutter he was remarkably successful.(他最后不但没有坐牢或流落贫民窟,反而还非常成功。)
22、He was relieved his timein jail was over and regarded it as water under the bridge.(他对自己的刑期已满而感到如释重负,把那视为桥下之水过往之事而不再挂怀。)
23、Pratt, a former Black Panther, served 27 yearsin jail before his conviction in a 1968 California murder case was vacated.(前黑豹党成员普拉特,在1968年加利福尼亚的谋杀案中被定罪之前,曾在监狱服刑27年,这件案件现被撤销。)
24、The parents of persistent truants can be putin jail.(那些长期逃学学生的家长会被监禁。)
25、A time machine that dropped youin jail.(时间机器把你放在了监狱。)
26、Those two should have been thrownin jail.(那两个人当时就该被关进监狱。)
in jail