
in good shape造句

in good shape造句

1、If the viral campaign against you is taking place on your platform, you'rein good shape.(如果针对你的病毒活动在你的平台上发生,你的状态正好。)

2、All that's needed is one cell with the DNAin good shape.(所有要求的条件是只要DNA保持完好的一个细胞。)

3、I amin good shape now.(我身体状况很好。)

4、As of now, our own water supplies arein good shape. We still have three 18-ft long, 12-inch diameter pipes full of it.(就眼下来说,我们的供水也很充足:我们还有三根18英尺长,12英寸直径的水管装满淡水。)

5、If you're in shape orin good shape, it means you're healthy or in good state of physical fitness.(如果说你状态良好,意味着你的身体很健康。)

6、After nearly a decade of steadily growing profits and armed with a strong balance-sheet, BAE is in many waysin good shape.(拥有强有力的资产负债表,且保持近十年的利润稳步增长,从很多方面来说,BAE都状况良好。)

7、My work and experience arein good shape, but I haven't found a partner, so what can I do?" Chen said。(我的工作和经历都不错,但是我却还没找到自己的另一半,那我能有什么办法呢?)

8、He'sin good shape for a man of his age.(作为那把年纪的人来说,他身体不错。)

9、If the sentence did not piss you off, then you arein good shape.(如果这句话没有使你生气,那么你就是保持了良好的状态。)

10、'It's actually gorgeous inside,' says Mr. Stevens, noting that the wallpaper and plaster molding arein good shape.(史蒂文斯先生还认为房子修复起来并不太难。他说,房子内部实际上非常好,壁纸和石膏造型的状况都不错。)

11、When I don't, my body isn'tin good shape, and neither is my mind.(如果我不这样做的话,我的身体就不好,精神也不好。)

12、They find several critters that can survive only in clean water, and conclude that the pond isin good shape.(他们找到了一些只有在净水中才能存活的生物,因此确定这个池塘状态还不错。)

13、China's economy is generallyin good shape.(中国的经济从总体上来说是良好的。)

14、Japan's Banks, in particular, had seemed to bein good shape.(日本银行业此前尤其被人们视为处于良好状态。)

15、Poyang, Dongting and Honghu Lakes werein good shape.(鄱阳湖,洞庭湖和洪湖本来都很好。)

16、Thanks to a thriving economy and a minor budget surplus, Pittsburgh looks set to stayin good shape.(感谢繁荣的经济和微薄的预算盈余,匹兹堡看起来势头喜人。)

17、Experts say coral reefs in the marine national monument, a conservation area, arein good shape.(有关专家研究表明,在海洋生物资源保护区内的珊瑚礁状态良好。)

18、East Africa does not have a single warshipin good shape.(东非没有一艘完好无损的军舰。)

19、Even you! If your partner's quirks are endearing or tolerable, you'rein good shape.(如果你伴侣的怪癖是可以忍受的,那你还挺不错的。)

20、While we're always using our brains, we're not necessarily doing much to keep themin good shape.(虽然我们总是在用我们的大脑,但我们也不必做太多就能保持其良好的状态。)

21、Are wein good shape to face a potential global disaster?(我们是否已经准备好面对一场潜在的全球灾难?)

22、It keeps mein good shape.(它能让我保持良好的体形。)

23、Get to bed early so you will bein good shape to meet God in the morning; he deserves your full attention.(早点睡觉,第二天你就可以精神充足的面对神了;神是配得你全神贯注的用心的。)

24、Is this reportin good shape to show to the President?(报告写好了么、可以给主管看了么?)

25、Either way, JPMorgan Chase looks to bein good shape.(无论哪种方式,摩根大通看起来都是状态良好。)

26、Generally, if a company has lots of assets relative to liabilities, it'sin good shape.(一般来说,一家公司如果资产丰厚,而债务相对较少,它的运营状况就很好。)

27、Furthermore, relations between China and the five European countries arein good shape.(中国同五个欧洲国家的关系处在良好状态。)

28、"It was luckilyin good shape," says Kapsalis, "and we just have to do some minor things in order to be able to unfold it".(“幸运的是,它的状态很好,”卡普萨里斯说,“我们只需要做一些小事情就可以把它展开。“)

in good shape 基本释义

in good shape

英 [in ɡud ʃeip] 美 [ɪn ɡʊd ʃep] 

状况良好; 完好无损