
in good conscience造句

in good conscience造句

1、Brevet, take a good look at the accused, recall your souvenirs, and tell us on your soul and conscience, if you persist in recognizing this man as your former companion in the galleys, jean Valjean?(布莱卫,好好地望着这被告,回想您从前的事情,再凭您的灵魂和良心告诉我们,您是否确实认为这个人就是您从前监狱里的朋友冉阿让。)

2、Conscience gives me a joyous mind, and learns, sire, that the infallible recipe for happiness-a good conscience-you are in want of.(陛下您要懂得,拥有快乐的秘诀是要拥有善良的心灵——而您却没有。)

3、We believe in supporting a good cause is an obligation of financial success, and respecting the environment is simply a matter of conscience.(追寻崇高的目标是获取商业成功的必备条件,而尊重周围的环境正是出自我们的正义之心。)

4、In such a relation good conscience requires the fiduciary to act at all times for the sole benefit and interest of the one who trusts.(为了维持这种善意的关系,要求受托者以委托人的利益为唯一的利益。)

5、Perhaps you are a good person who believes in God and does what your conscience tells you is right.(你或许是一个相信神的好人,向来依从你的良知做事。)

6、One, should observe the conscience of the bottom line, do honest person, to be honest, do good thing, only in this way, can live magnanimous, enrich, self-esteem.(人,应当严守良知底线,做老实人,说老实话,办老实事,只有这样,才能活得坦荡、充实、自尊。)

7、When I meet with other women, I need to be able to sayin good conscience how I spend my time and how I'm redeeming the time.(当我与其他妇女会面,我需要能够凭良心说明我怎样花费时间,我怎样珍惜时间。)

8、I could not,in good conscience, accept such an offer.(凭良心,我不能接受这样一种提议。)

9、In today's China, those who think independently, behave rationally, stick to the principles, keep a good conscience and safeguard their faith are all heroes.(很喜欢这句话!在今日之中国,能够独立思考、寻求理性、坚持原则、恪守良知、捍卫信仰的人,都是难得的英雄!)

10、"He asked." Howin good conscience could we allow that to happen?(他问道,“我们的良知能允许这种事情发生吗?”)

11、Software can no longer,in good conscience, waste so much idle time while users work.(凭良心说,软件再也不能在用户工作时浪费这么多空闲时间了。)

12、He also followed his conscience and behaved onlyin good conscience.(他凭良心做事,公平地对待别人。)

13、Promoters is low wages, stressful work, oftenin good conscience to talk, the life in society of a man grassroots layer.(促销员是工资低,工作压力大,常常违背良心说话,生活在社会草根层的一种人。)

14、Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.(请你们为我们祷告。因我们自觉良心无亏,愿意凡事按正道而行。)

15、Heb. 13:18 Pray for us, for we are persuaded that we have a good conscience, desiring in all things to conduct ourselves honorably.(来十三18请你们为我们祷告,因我们深信自己良心无亏,愿意凡事都行得好。)

16、Those " shameless" people who choose to live in unearned idleness have a good conscience too.(那些乐意过不劳而获的悠闲岁月的“无耻”之徒也心安理得。)

17、Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.(我们最大的快乐,不是因机运而带来优渥的生活条件,反而一直都是良知、健康、工作及追求正当行为的结果。)

18、Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.(存着无亏的良心,叫你们在何事上被毁谤,就在何事上,可以叫那诬赖你们在基督里有好品行的人,自觉羞愧。)

in good conscience 基本释义

in good conscience

凭良心; 公平地