
in future造句

in future造句

1、in future, firms will have to deliver as well as promise.(在未来,这些公司将表现的不负承诺。)

2、Some details might changein future.(将来一些细微的地方还可能变化。)

3、We willin future.(将来会做的。)

4、in future the music will mean a lot more for the people.(在未来,音乐对于人们来说将意味着更多。)

5、It is imperative that the needs of these children are taken into account in the setting of appropriate international standards to be promulgatedin future.(在制定今后将会颁布的合适的国际标准时,必须要考虑到这些儿童的需求。)

6、We'll be talking a lot more about thisin future posts.(我们在未来的文章中会更多地谈论到这点。)

7、These will be addedin future releases.(这些将被添加到未来发布的版本中。)

8、The country needs new leadership if she is to play a rolein future development.(该国要在未来的发展中发挥作用的话,她就需要新的领导班子。)

9、You must work hard, then you’ll be successfulin future.(你必须努力工作,才能在以后的工作中成功。)

10、I'll discuss the remaining typesin future articles.(其余的类型将在以后的文章中讨论。)

11、Pupils mark their own homework: this is an important principle in Japanese schooling as it enables pupils to see where and why they made a mistake, so that these can be avoidedin future.(学生们自己给作业打分:这是日本学校教育中一个很重要的原则,因为它可以学生们看到他们在哪里犯错以及为什么犯错,这样以后就可以避免这些错误。)

12、The kids growing up in scornfulness will be nagtivein future.(嘲讽中长大的孩子,将来容易消极退缩。)

13、in future, make sure the door is never left unlocked.(从今以后,千万别忘记锁好门户。)

14、Keeping in mind the effects of conversational flow for feelings of belonging and validation may help one to be prepared to avoid such misunderstandingsin future conversations.(记住,对话的流畅对归属感和认同感的影响可能有助于一个人在未来的对话中避免此类误解。)

15、Students have to pay for the loan by getting extra marksin future exams.(学生必须通过在未来的考试中获得额外的分数来偿还贷款。)

16、The study makes a couple of interesting points about the fossils, which I hope will be looked atin future studies.(这项研究提出了一些关于化石的有趣论点,我希望未来的研究会考虑到这些观点。)

17、While it is possible that much of our food will be grown in skyscrapersin future, most experts currently believe it is far more likely that we will simply use the space available on urban rooftops.(虽然未来我们的大部分食物可能会在摩天大楼里种植,但目前大多数专家认为,我们更有可能只是利用城市屋顶上的可用空间。)

18、We may find it usefulin future.; It may come in handy someday.(这东西日后可能用得着。)

19、We will continue to do soin future.(今后我们也愿意继续这样做。)

20、I'll write morein future articles about that.(我接下来会写一些关于这个话题的文章。)

21、in future, staff recruitment will fall within the remit of the division manager.(以后招募新员工将属于部门经理的职责。)

22、This does not mean thatin future they will be ignored.(这并不意味着将来它们会被忽视。)

23、How can we prevent things getting worsein future?(将来如何防止这些事情进一步恶化呢?)

24、What will it look likein future?(未来的电话会是什么样子?)

25、in future we shall all be able to find happiness.(未来,总有一天,我们都会找到幸福。)

26、Because if we aren't, we won't be providing much valuein future ecosystems, and that may put in question the foundation for our existence.(因为如果我们不是(最具有创造力的生物),我们将无法在未来的生态系统中提供多少价值,这可能会使我们存在的基础受到质疑。)

27、We will discuss this topicin future articles.(我们将在以后的文章中讨论这个主题。)

28、Possible usein future.(也许将来会用到。)

29、Whether he will continue to be successfulin future is open to doubt.(他今后能否继续获得成功值得怀疑。)

in future 基本释义

in future

英 [in ˈfju:tʃə] 美 [ɪn ˈfjutʃɚ] 

今后; 从今以后