
in a flash造句

in a flash造句

1、Andin a flash I thought that if I was not a monk, I would have a wife and a child like that.(我的脑海中闪过一个念头,如果我不是僧人,我也会有这样的一个妻子和孩子。)

2、Suddenly it started raining but it was overin a flash.(突然开始下雨,但马上雨就停了。)

3、It came to mein a flash of inspiration.(那是我灵机一动想到的。)

4、In the last week, Adobe released a preview version of Molehill, its 3d programming interface,in a flash Player 11 "incubator build."(上周,Adobe发布了Molehill的预览版本,这是它的3d编程界面,包含于Flash播放器版本11的“incubater”编译中。)

5、And their software can also be updatedin a flash.(并且智能手机的软件在短时间内就能完成升级。)

6、A fortnight passedin a flash.(一晃半个月过去了。)

7、Five years have elapsedin a flash.(一晃就是5年。)

8、You can switch from one shell window to anotherin a flash, and you can leave shells running perpetually and reconnect at any time.(可以从一个shell窗口迅速切换到另一个窗口,可以离开正在运行的shell并在任何时候重新连接。)

9、Well this can comein a flash or take a good amount of time.(理想可能来自灵光一现,也可能需要长时间的努力。)

10、But Toure pounced on the loose ballin a flash and rifled left-footed beyond Sorensen who had no chance.(但是,图雷突然插上捡漏,然后左脚劲射,索伦森只能望球兴叹。)

11、When investors became concerned that Bear Stearns wouldn't be able to settle its trades with clients, that confidence evaporatedin a flash.(如果投资者开始担心贝尔斯登不能维系这一协议时,信任就会在一瞬间蒸发。)

12、But investor perceptions and confidence can dissolvein a flash.(但是投资商的看法和信心会在一瞬间灰飞烟灭。)

13、in a flash I felt it — a big earthquake!(在一刹那间,我感觉到,一场大地震来了!)

14、Ask us about oxbow lakes, Pythagoras's theorem or which Lethal Weapon starred Patsy Kensit's breasts and we can tell youin a flash.(但是问到关于奥克斯博湖,毕达哥拉斯定理或者PatsyKensit主演的电影中她的野兽使用的致命武器,我们可以立马告诉你。)

15、Whoosh!in a flash,the good fairy appeared again.(嗖!一闪,这位好心的仙女再次出现。)

16、Planet Discovery Camein a flash of light.(行星的发现来自一瞬间。)

17、in a flash I saw a delicate and beautiful girl running across to the other side of the avenue.(一瞬间,我看到了一个纤细而又美丽的姑娘奔跑在街道的另一侧。)

18、But this comes from the fact thatin a flash he felt the amazing grandeur of the human mind.(但这源于这样的一个事实:灵感忽闪,他突然感到人类心智的壮美,并大为惊诧。)

19、He realised that he was doing it himself, andin a flash he understood the situation.(然后他意识到他自己在做这件事,刹那间他明白了情况。)

20、in a flash the shark caught its victim, a large fish, in its powerful jaws.(刹那间,鲨鱼用它有力的下颚抓住了一条大鱼。)

21、Andin a flash, the whole pub is filles with quacking birds.(一阵闪光,整个酒吧里顿时填满了嘎嘎叫着的家禽。)

22、If a binary includes a White Dwarf, gas pulled from a companion onto the White Dwarf's surface can fuse violentlyin a flash called a nova.(如果一个双星系统包含一个白矮星,从伴星上抽离的气体会落在白矮星的表面,在一瞬间引发猛烈的聚变反应,即新星。)

23、Bring the two together and they annihilate each otherin a flash of energy.(把这两种物质放在一起,它们瞬间就会湮灭而化为能量。)

24、The answer had come to himin a flash.(他一下子就有了答案。)

25、in a flash of temper he or she may upset fellow workers or customers, causing a direct or indirect loss to the organization.(他或她的突然发怒可能会使同事或顾客不高兴,给组织造成直接或间接的损失。)

26、BIOS is typically storedin a flash memory device on the system's motherboard.(BIOS通常存储在系统主板的一个闪存设备中。)

27、It comes upin a flash, much faster than any other browser.(它一瞬间就能启动,比任何其他浏览器都快得多!)

in a flash 基本释义

in a flash

英 [in ə flæʃ] 美 [ɪn e flæʃ] 

瞬间; 即刻; 非常突然