1、It also has the potential to affect the economics and usage of home computers, lessening consumers' need to buy big hard drives to store and back up all of their files, for example.(该项服务还可能影响家用电脑的支出和使用,比如说,用户可能不再需要购买大容量硬盘来存储和备份所有文件。)
2、ONE of Ken Rogoff’s favorite economics jokes — yes, there are economics jokes — is “the one about the lamppost”: A drunk on his way home from a bar one night realizes that he has dropped his keys.(一个晚上,有一个醉汉,在从酒吧回家的路上发现钥匙丢了。)
3、As long as the Internet to view, direct contact with the domestic staff, the people looking for their own satisfaction, you can contact the company andhome economics, commissioned services.(只要上网查看,与家政人员直接联系,找寻自己满意的人,也可以与家政公司联系,委托服务。)
4、Inhome economics, our teacher had us plan the perfect wedding and the perfect reception, right down to the throwing of rice and driving away in a limousine.(在家政学课上,老师让我们设计理想的婚礼、理想的婚庆招待会,一直到撒大米、新郎新娘开着豪华轿车缓缓离去。)
5、These are the basics they teach inhome economics.(这些都是家政学的基本内容。)
6、The menu of choices might include typing, band andhome economics, as well as special academic classes.(可选择的课程包括:打字、队以及家政学,还有特别的专业课程。)
7、Thee average stay in a nursing home lasts 17 months and costs 57,000 (85,000) according tothe Centre for Economics and Business Research, a think-tank.(据一智囊团駦——英国经济和商业研究中心称,在护理之家平均停留时间长达17个月,花费达57000欧元(合85000美金)。)
8、home economics, a phrase from the early 20th century, is now meaningless for many people.(提到家政学,这门起源于20世纪初的学科对现在的很多人来说已是完全陌生。)
9、Whilehome economics has traditionally focused on teaching cooking, sewing, and interior decorating, many schools have shifted their programs to a business application of this knowledge.(国内经济学主要集中于厨艺,纺织,室内装饰的学习,许多学校的该课程已经向商务应用方面进行了转型。)
10、I could takehome economics and needlework class.(在家政课的课堂上。)
11、Cooking skills are taught inhome economics.(在家政学中有教授多种烹调技能。)
12、Therefore, the silkworm cocoon production and the supplies have, thehome economics supplement, poly tropism and seasonal characteristic and so on the side occupation.(因此,蚕茧的生产与供给具有副业性、家庭经济的补充性、多元性和季节性等特点。)
13、IF RATIONALITY reigned supreme in economics, travellers would spend their foreign cash based upon its value in the currency of their home country.(如果经济学是完全理性的,境外旅行者就应当依据外币所能兑换的本国货币价值来消费。)
14、And on economics - well, there's nobody home.(在经济方面——呃,完全没人在家啊。)
15、Most of us have no desire to forswear energy use entirely, like No Impact Man. But we all have the incentive of basichome economics.(大多数人都不愿断然放弃对能源的使用,就像NoImpactMan(一个blog)但我们都有基本家政学的激励。)
16、Her reason was that math was something she was good at but probably wouldn't pursue on her own, as she would literature orhome economics.(她的理由是她数学较好,但自己不大可能像文学和家政学那样主动去学。)
17、In college, my major washome economics.(在大学的时候,我主修的是家政。)
18、My favorite subject ishome economics .(我最喜欢的学科是家政学。)
19、Thehome economics difficult student question is a social question.(家庭经济困难学生问题是一个社会性问题。)
20、In recent years, a degree inhome economics has also served to prepare for a career in interior design, fashion marketing, and other fields related to home life.(这几年里,家政学位也用来准备进入室内设计,时尚营销和其他有关家庭生活的学科的行业。)
21、Nonetheless, Wright's system was a worthy attempt to provide an entire infrastructure - materials, technique, and philosophy-to transform the economics of owning a comfortable home.(尽管如此,为了转换搭建舒适房屋的经济局面,Wright的系统尝试提供了完整的基础设施—材料、技巧和底蕴—其价值是不可忽视的。)
home economics
英 [həum ˌɪkəˈnɔmiks] 美 [hom ˌɛkəˈnɑmɪks]
名词: homeeconomist