
hearing loss造句

hearing loss造句

1、Researchers have found evidence to addhearing loss to secondhand smoke's growing list of negative health effects.(研究人员已有证据证明二手烟对健康的不良影响又新增一项损害听力。)

2、This is what causeshearing loss.(这就是导致听力丧失的原因。)

3、The health effects of mercury poisoning include central nervous system damage,hearing loss and vision problems.(汞中毒对健康的影响包括中枢神经系统损害、听力损失和视力问题。)

4、Also known as vestibular schwannoma, acoustic neuroma is an uncommon cause ofhearing loss.(听神经瘤也称为前庭神经鞘瘤,是导致听觉丧失的并不常见的原因。)

5、Bacterial meningitis may result in brain damage,hearing loss or a learning disability in 10% to 20% of survivors.(细菌性脑膜炎可能会对10%至20%的幸存者造成脑损伤、听力损失或学习障碍。)

6、The 110-decibel level of piling risks perforation of the eardrum, which leads tohearing loss.(打桩作业带来的110分贝噪音有可能导致鼓膜穿孔,后果会导致失聪。)

7、Old age brings with it a host of physical woes, and among the most common ishearing loss.(年龄会带来很多健康困扰,而其中最普遍的就是听力衰退。)

8、The pressure on the nerve from the tumor may causehearing loss and imbalance.(该肿瘤对该神经的压迫可导致听觉丧失和平衡能力减弱。)

9、I have profoundhearing loss; in fact, I am almost deaf and wear hearing AIDS.(我听觉不好,事实上,我几乎就是个聋子,我得靠助听器才能听到别人讲的话。)

10、There are about 350 million people all over the world that suffer from disablinghearing loss.(全球听力受损的人,约有三亿五千万。)

11、Wax or foreign bodies blocking the ear canal can causehearing loss at any age.(蜡或异物阻塞耳道在任何年龄都会造成听力丧失。)

12、hearing loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including infectious disease, loud noises, injury and simple aging.(听力受损是由多种原因引起的,包括传染性疾病、噪声、外伤或者仅仅是由于老化。)

13、DEAFNESS ANDhearing loss; BLINDNESS OR VISION LOSS.(失聪和听力下降;失明或视力下降。)

14、Any personal listening device out there has the potential to be used in a way that will causehearing loss.(无论哪一种随身听都有对人造成听力丧失的潜在危险。)

15、The most common sources of noise-inducedhearing loss include explosions, power tools, music and common machinery.(诱发听力损伤的最常见的噪音源包括爆炸、电动工具、音乐以及常用机械。)

16、Working with loud machinery can cause tinnitus or noise inducedhearing loss.(使用噪声大的机器工作会导致耳鸣或噪音性失聪。)

17、Human studies could also confirm whether the habanero, as legend has it, can causehearing loss.(人体研究也能确定是否辣椒碱能如传说的那样引起听觉损耗。)

18、Are you concerned abouthearing loss?(你担心失去听力吗?)

19、A study a few years ago found early signs ofhearing loss in more than 12 percent of 6 - to 9-year-olds.(几年前的另一项研究发现,出现听力受损早期迹象的人中6到9岁的少年儿童占12%以上。)

20、I have noticed somehearing loss.(我发觉自己的听力变差了。)

21、Now, this is high-pitchedhearing loss, so a person can still hear sounds and understand most speech.(这是一种对高声调的声音听力丧失,所以她/他仍可以听清楚并且明白大多数的日常对话。)

22、But if they listened for longer periods, they risked permanenthearing loss after five years.(而如果听得时间更长,那么五年之后就可能会永久丧失听力。)

23、When a significant number of these cells are lost or damaged,hearing loss occurs.(如果许许多多的毛细胞丢失或受损,我们就会丧失听觉。)

24、100-200 — Continued drops in IQ, stunted growth, andhearing loss.(100-200-智商继续下降,阻碍成长发育,并失聪。)

25、Some people may be protected from thehearing loss that often accompanies aging: yes, musicians.(有些人能够免受伴随着年老的记忆丧失:是的,音乐家。)

26、Eight dogs (2.6%) were deaf or hadhearing loss, but seven of the eight were 13 years old or older.(8只(2.6%)宠物狗失聪或听力下降,但是,其中7只狗的年龄为13岁或更老。)

27、The New Zealand Ministry of Health has found from research carried out over two decades that 6-10% of children in that country are affected byhearing loss.(新西兰卫生部经过20多年的研究发现,该国有6-10%的儿童受到丧失听力的影响。)

28、Q: How muchhearing loss does an iPod cause?(Q:iPod在多大程度上导致了听力丧失?)

hearing loss 基本释义

hearing loss

英 [ˈhiəriŋ lɔs] 美 [ˈhɪrɪŋ lɔs] 
