1、Ferguson may wellhave had it in mind to engineer a transition, but Ben Foster was undone when he had to justify his sound reputation by standing between the posts for United week after week.(弗格森也许已经想好了过渡方案,但福斯特仍周复一周地站在曼联的大门前,为自己的声誉而正名。)
2、Would it have helped if you'd had some training there?(如果你在那里培训过,会有帮助吗?)
3、If it had been left to me I would have put him out on the street long ago.(换了我,早就把他赶出家门了。)
4、If it had hit the Earth, it would have made a crater 100 miles across and thrown up an immense cloud of dust.(如果它撞上了地球,就会砸出一个100英里宽的大坑并扬起巨大的尘埃云团。)
5、That's Google, that's Microsoft, that's Ask.com, a whole lot of people ... they shouldn'thave had it free all the time, and I think we've been asleep.(知道吗,他们剽窃了我们的信息。”他说道,“Google、微软、Ask.com以及其他所有的人,一直以来都不应该免费获得那些内容!)
6、If she had felt happy it would probably have lulled her to sleep.(如果她高兴的话,这声音说不定还能催眠。)
7、Many will feel that corn farmershave had it pretty good.(很多人觉得玉米农场主做得不错。)
8、An' ye had described it to me, ye couldhave had it three weeks ago.(要是你们告诉我的它的样子的话,你们三个星期前就可以找到了。)
9、She said if she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.(她说如果她有机会再做一遍此事,她会雇一个新闻秘书。)
10、Had Obama been white it would have been different.(假使奥巴马是个白人,那么情况也许就不尽相同了。)
11、We couldhave had it all(我们可以拥有这一切)
12、The article had been authored by Raymond Kennedy. He read it right through, looking for any scrap of information that might have passed him by.(这篇文章是由雷蒙德·肯尼迪写的。他从头一直读到尾,寻找任何可能遗漏的点滴信息。)
13、I'm sure I'd have spotted him if it had been up to me.(要是换了我,我肯定已经认出他了。)
14、Describing her husband as "a born soldier" and "an inspiration", she said: "I know he led from the front and would nothave had it any other way."(在形容她的丈夫是一个“天生的战士”以及一位“能够激励人心的人”时,她说:“我知道他一定会身先士卒,绝不会退缩。”)
15、I didn't know I'd have to make a speech—I just had to wing it.(我不知道还得讲话,只好想到什么就说点什么。)
16、He took my place and got killed. It should have been me—that bullet had my name on it.(他坐了我的位子而送了命。死的应该是我,那颗子弹是冲着我来的。)
17、It clearly had four limbs that could have been used for walking.(它显然有四肢,可以用于行走。)
18、Had I written a newspaper, it would have been read!(如果我写了一份报纸,就会有人读了!)
19、Some of those whohave had it for years will have had no idea until they started to get sick.(那些感染了多年的人中,有一部分人到他们开始发病才知道感染了病毒。)
20、It used to be a pound but because we were making a bit of a loss we have had to increase it by 50p.(以前是一英镑,但是因为我们亏损了一点,所以不得不增加了50便士。)
21、If I had written the letter, I might have worded it differently.(如果是我写这封信,我可能会措辞不同。)
22、His face would have been handsome if it had not been so miserable.(如果他的表情没有那么痛苦,那一定很英俊。)
23、Therefore, if that ever had been present on Earth, it would have decayed ages ago.(因此,如果它曾经在地球上存在过,那么它在很久以前就应该衰变了。)
24、I think one of those three shouldhave had it, really.(我认为那三个人更应该拥有诺贝尔奖,说真的。)
25、The credit card number is 3241 3578 6688. Ihave had it since 1999.(我那张卡的细节如下:这是一张万事达卡,户名是KennyGao,号码是324135786688,我从1999年到现在一直在用着它,其有效期是1999-2008。)
26、They would have reached the nursery in time had it not been that the little stars were watching them.(要不是那些小星星在看着他们,他们会及时赶到婴儿室的。)
27、But most Germans wouldn'thave had it any other way.(但是大多数德国人当时不会采取任何其他方法。)
28、Other solutions, like Alfresco's document manager,have had it for quite some time.(其他的解决方案,像Alfresco的文档管理器(link)提供此功能已经有段时间了。)
have had it
英 [hæv hæd it] 美 [hæv hæd ɪt]
受够了; 累极了; 完了; 没用了