1、We firmly believe that if youhave an eye for quality, our products are for you.(我们坚信,如果你有一个眼质量,我们的产品给你。)
2、If theyhave an eye for fashion.(如果他们有时尚的眼光。)
3、It is believed in common that beauty exists everywhere on the campus as long as youhave an eye for it.(在校园里,只要你有一只眼睛,它就可以在校园里到处都是美丽的。)
4、I will keep it on until one day I think "the standard 'of Chinese aesthetics becomes normal. I often told my collectors to collect one for each year on a series if theyhave an eye for art."(杨:我会一直灌输这个东西,除非那天中国审美,我认为是正常了,而且我现在也在劝我的收藏者,如果你们有眼光就每年收藏一张,系列的收藏。)
5、Fish alsohave an eye for different shapes.(鱼还能辨别不同的形状。)
6、Applicants shouldhave an eye for detail.(申请者对细节应该独具慧眼。)
7、You reallyhave an eye for fashion.(你真会挑选流行服饰。)
8、Worse, companies would have to keep an eye out even for the “remote”possibility of expensive litigation: for example, by watching scientificjournals for findings that could later result in lawsuits.(更糟糕的是,公司不得不对最不可能发生的代价高昂的诉讼保持关注。比如说,要阅读学术杂志以便找到那些日后可能导致诉讼的信息。)
9、Yes, it's the latest product and is highly recommended because of its fine design and quality. You certainlyhave an eye for good things.(是。这是我们厂的最新产品,它由于设计好、质量高而广受好评。您可真有眼光。)
10、You dohave an eye for paintings.(你的确对油画有很高的鉴赏力。)
11、They have also looked for interesting asteroids, and kept an eye out for solar storms.(业余天文学家们也已参与寻找有趣的小行星和观测太阳风暴。)
12、If youhave an eye for style, like to shop and help others, then consider working as a personal shopper.(如果你有时尚的眼光,喜欢购物和帮助别人,然后再考虑做导购。)
13、An overview of some research into lateralisation: the dominance of one side of the body over the other creatures across the animal kingdom have a preference for one foot, eye or even antenna.(有关侧化的一些研究的概述:在动物界中,身体一侧对其他生物的支配通常是由一只脚、一只眼睛,甚至是一根触角来完成的。)
14、Youhave an eye for beauty and a fine sense of balance and rhythm.(你有一双发现美的眼睛,对与平衡与旋律也很有感觉。)
15、Studies have shown, for example, that two drugs are about equally effective in treating macular degeneration, an eye disease.(例如,有一些研究表明,两种药物治疗黄斑变性这种眼病的效果差不多。)
16、Most well-educated people shouldhave an eye for the differences between right and wrong.(大部分受过良好教育的人,都该有辨别是非的能力。)
17、There's a growing need for vibrant, creative and dedicated people who are great organizers, good communicators andhave an eye for detail.(由于市场对于充满活力、富有创造力、有奉献精神又同时善于组织、沟通且关注细节的人才的需求量有不断增加的趋势。)
18、Youhave an eye for beauty.(你很有审美眼光。)
19、But whereas Indian touristshave an eye for a bargain, several of corporate India's acquisitions now seem ill-advised.(印度旅游者都知道要讨价还价,但是印度的并购看来不那么划算。)
20、Experts say that doctors should keep an eye out for people with high odds of the disease-namely those who are overweight and have other diabetes risk factors.(专家说,医生应该关注极有可能患糖尿病的人们,也就是说那些超重和有其它糖尿病风险因素的人。)
21、He played well enough for the Spurs to sign him to a 3 year 7m deal and we all know the Spurshave an eye for talent.(他在马刺一度表现不错,因而拿到了3年700万的合同,大家都知道马刺一向眼光很毒的。)
22、You reallyhave an eye for beauty.(你真有审美的眼光。绝对六星级的赞美!)
23、The best leaders in the Seven Kingdomshave an eye for talent.(七大王国中最好的领导者具有发掘人才的慧眼。)
24、If theyhave an eye for fashion, pet owners can dress their pets in stylish clothes.(如果他们关注时装的话,宠物主人也会给他们的宠物穿上相应风格的衣服。)
25、When your eyes feel tired after sitting for hours in front of a computer, have an eye-pack treatment.(当你因长时间坐在电脑前而眼睛觉得疲惫的时候,做一个眼包疗法。)
26、You seem tohave an eye for beauty.(看来你有一颗发现美的心灵呀。)
27、Police have asked residents to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.(警方要求居民密切注意一切可疑的情况。)
28、Shehave an eye for colour.(她对颜色很有鉴赏力。)
have an eye for
英 [hæv æn ai fɔ:] 美 [hæv ən aɪ fɔr]