1、Slime molds then devour many of the bacteria, releasing their nutrients for other organisms togrow on.(黏菌随后会吞食掉许多细菌,释放出他们的营养物质供其他有机体生长。)
2、Their leavesgrow on the top and flowers seldom come out.(它们的叶子长在顶端,花很少开出来。)
3、Slowly and strangely, the place began togrow on me.(很奇怪,慢慢地这个地方越来越让我喜欢。)
4、Orangesgrow on trees, too. I can pick the oranges.(橘子也生长在树上,我能摘到橘子。)
5、Do watermelonsgrow on trees?(西瓜是长在树上的吗?)
6、Money doesgrow on the trees.(钱确实能够在树上生长。)
7、“Thorns and thistles” are togrow on their lands, and, by extension, in all crop fields, lawns and herbaceous borders.(“荆棘和蒺藜”将在陆地上生长,说开了,就是生长在所有的田地、草坪和花园边缘的绿草带。)
8、These flowers generallygrow on river banks and near streams.(这些花通常开在河堤上和溪流附近。)
9、As the days passed, a damp black mould began togrow on him.(随着日子一天天过去,潮湿的黑霉菌开始在他身上生长。)
10、African economies are expected togrow on average by 6 to 7 percent in the coming years.(非洲经济体预期在未来几年里平均有6%到7%的成长率。)
11、Slowly, the place began togrow on me.(慢慢地,我开始喜欢上了这个地方。)
12、Money does notgrow on trees.(钱又不是树上长出来的。)
13、The example I use is: "Applesgrow on noses."(我让他们判断的句子是“苹果结在鼻子上”。)
14、Do lemonsgrow on the ground?(柠檬是长在地上的吗?)
15、In the past nothing couldgrow on this tract of land.(过去这块地不立苗。)
16、As spending cuts bite, and anger swells, pressures can onlygrow on the cautious camp.(随着消减开支不顺,怨气膨胀,压力只会在谨慎阵营这边增长。)
17、But as the days passed, a damp black mould began togrow on him.(但随着日子一天天过去,潮湿的黑霉菌开始在他身上生长。)
18、The crops will notgrow on exposed hillsides.(在裸露的山坡上庄稼没法生长。)
19、The crude touchwood carrier was suitable for the microorganisms togrow on.(天然朽木填料适合微生物生长。)
20、He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grassgrow on the hills.(他用云遮天,为地降雨,使草生长在山上。)
21、We asked all the children if a certain illogical sentence was grammatically correct: "Applesgrow on noses."(我们问所有的孩子一个存在逻辑错误的句子——“苹果长在鼻子上”是否存在语法错误。)
22、Orangesgrow on the tree.(橙子长在树上。)
23、However, pressure willgrow on finite resources of land, energy and water.(然而,有限的土地、能源和水资源将承受越来越大的压力。)
24、In the spring, leaves begin togrow on the trees.(树木在春天开始长出叶子。)
25、Neil: Money doesn'tgrow on trees.(字面意思是钱不会从树上长出来。)
26、Crops could be made togrow on poor soil in marginal lands, increasing overall food production.(可以使作物在边际土地的贫瘠土壤中生长,增加粮食总产量。)
grow on
英 [ɡrəu ɔn] 美 [ɡro ɑn]
对 ... 有越来越大的影响; 越来越被 ... 喜爱