1、Milk is sourced from prize-winning herds of Holstein-Fresian cows thatgraze on environmentally pristine pastures…(牛奶源自在原始牧场放牧的获奖荷兰乳牛……)
2、He's got a nastygraze on his hand.(他的手蹭伤得很厉害。)
3、Small fish and invertebrates alsograze on the plant-like organisms, and then those smaller animals are eaten by bigger ones.(小鱼和无脊椎动物也以这些植物类生物为食,然后则是众所周知的小鱼吃虾米,大鱼吃小鱼。)
4、Cow milk is also especially vulnerable, experts said, if cowsgraze on grass exposed to radiation.(专家表示,如果奶牛吃了受辐射的青草,牛奶也极易受核放射污染。)
5、Dugongsgraze on underwater grasses day and night, rooting for them with their bristled, sensitive snouts and chomping them with their rough lips.(儒艮日日夜夜地吃着水下的草料,它们用多刺和敏感的鼻子来翻找,并用粗糙的嘴唇和牙齿反复不断地咀嚼这些草料。)
6、They cangraze on their own during the whole year and even able to earn their living in 50-degree frost.(他们全年都自己觅食,即使在50霜度下也能生存。)
7、Millions of sheep, cattle and other animals thatgraze on New Zealand's lush farmlands are thought to produce 55 percent of the country's greenhouse gases.(在新西兰,有几百万只绵羊、牛等蓄牲,全国55%的二氧化碳废气都是来自它们的粪便。)
8、Robots are currently under a two-year trial in Wales which will train "farmbots" to herd, monitor the health of livestock, and make sure there is enough pasture for them tograze on.(目前,威尔士正在对机器人进行为期两年的试验,试验将训练“农场机器人”放牧以及监控家畜的健康状况,并确保有足够的草场饲养它们。)
9、Familiesgraze on high-cholesterol take-aways and microwaved ready-meals.(这些家庭以高胆固醇外卖和微波即食食品为食。)
10、A flock of geesegraze on a Shropshire hillside as they are reared in their free-range environment for the Christmas market in Shrewsbury, England.(一群鹅在什罗普山坡放牧这群自由放养的鹅准备在圣诞节在英国什鲁斯伯里上市。)
11、Sheep and cattlegraze on the hillsides.(山坡上有羊群和牛群在吃草。)
12、Donkeys and goatsgraze on green grass.(青草上放养着驴和山羊。)
13、Cows appear tograze on the point of a roof of a house in Newton Abbot, Devon.(德文郡牛顿·阿博特的奶牛看上去似乎在一幢房子的屋顶上食草。)
14、The same is true of seeds that pass through animals thatgraze on weeds.(将杂草喂食动物通过动物消化的也能达到同等效果。)
15、These two buffaloesgraze on the field everyday.(这两头水牛每天在田里吃草。)
16、There is good grassland here for your cattle and horses tograze on.(这里有很好的草地供你们放牧牛马。)
17、What you mean is rotation grazing, not allowing animals tograze on rotated pasture. Right?(您说的是轮牧,轮流放牧的意思。对吧?)
18、Livestock greatly outnumber wild horses, andgraze on a much larger portion of BLM-managed land.(家畜的数量远远超过马匹,并且啃食土地局管理的大部分土地。)
19、She has a severegraze on her elbow.(她的肘部有严重的擦伤。)
20、Wild horsesgraze on grass from recent rains.(野马在近期降了雨的草地上吃草。)
21、A farmer or shepherd leaves sheep tograze on grasslands.(牧场主或牧羊人让绵羊在草场上吃草。)
22、A school of Pacific steephead parrotfishgraze on dead coral at Kanton island.(一群太平洋斜头鹦哥鱼(steepheadparrotfish)正在坎顿岛附近的死亡珊瑚礁上进食。)
23、They prefer it out in the meadow, where they can get agraze on.(在它穿过草地的当儿,我可以看到它是一只黑狼。)
24、Organic milk and beef come from cattle thatgraze on grass, while most conventional milk and beef come from cows subsisting on grain.(有机牛奶和牛肉产自在草地上放牧的牛,而大多数普通牛奶和牛肉则产自吃谷物的牛。)
25、Almost nothing grows on their land; their animalsgraze on desert bushes; the people mine ingots of salt from what looks like shimmering pack ice.(他们的土地几乎寸草不生;他们在沙漠荒野里放牧牲口;人们从看上去像闪光的浮冰的物质中提炼盐块。)
graze on