1、Shopkeepers would carve into stone, clay, or wood symbols for the products they hadfor sale.(店主会在出售的商品上刻上石头、粘土或木头的符号。)
2、The beans are then ground and packagedfor sale as ground coffee.(咖啡豆接着被磨碎、包装,以研磨咖啡销售。)
3、On February 12th he put upfor sale a second tranche of 32 state-owned companies.(2月12号,他售出了第2部分32家国有公司的股票。)
4、A tenant may have a right of first refusal if a property is offeredfor sale.(如果房产要出售,房客可以有优先购买权。)
5、They've put their house upfor sale.(他们的房子现在出售。)
6、Some shoppers looked bewildered by the sheer variety of goodsfor sale.(一些顾客看上去对种类十分繁多的销售货品感到不知所措了。)
7、They put the factory upfor sale.(他们提供工厂出售。)
8、Morpher may be availablefor sale in stores in the near future.(Morpher可能会在不久的将来在商店里出售。)
9、The yacht isfor sale at a price of 1.7 million dollars.(这艘游艇以170万美元的价格待售。)
10、Pure alcohol is notfor sale to the general public.(纯酒精是不对大众销售的。)
11、Only football, volleyball, Greco-Roman wrestling, and freestyle wrestling remainedfor sale on Sunday.(周日只剩足球,排球,古典式摔跤和自由式摔跤门票还没售完。)
12、Outside the fence, hawkers had dripping bags of sachet waterfor sale; a few sold dead-looking loaves of bread and fried buns.(栏杆外面,小贩在兜售袋装水,袋子上还滴着水滴;一些则售卖看起来干枯的一条条面包和煎包。)
13、I'm sorry, it's notfor sale.(抱歉,这个不卖。)
14、The bike broke down again, so he decided to take it to a garage and offer itfor sale.(自行车又坏了,所以他决定把它带到车库去卖。)
15、It will be put upfor sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.(其销售将按照已讲的条件进行,概括地说,就是要求尽量少宣传。)
16、Are you still hanging on to your Christmas cash or Hanukkah gelt? Here's somethingfor sale: 10-day trips to the International Space Station.(你是否还在为圣诞节资金或者光明节钱款拿不定主意?这儿有个打折消息:国际空间站10天之旅。)
17、He finds old military medalsfor sale in antique stores and on the Internet.(他在古董店和网上发现了出售的旧军功章。)
18、The mansion has been put upfor sale.(该豪宅已待售。)
19、When he got there, he saw some fruitfor sale, and most of it was very cheap.(到了那里,他看到一些水果在出售,而且大部分都很便宜。)
20、These items are just for show—they're notfor sale.(这些物品仅供展览—不卖。)
21、He put his car upfor sale.(他把汽车拿出来卖。)
22、Once driverless cars are actually availablefor sale, the early adopters will be the people who can afford to buy them.(一旦无人驾驶汽车真正通用于销售,最早使用它们的将是那些能买得起它们的人。)
23、The furniture on display here is notfor sale, but just out of curiosity, how much would you offer?(这里展出的家具并不出售,但只是出于好奇,你会出多少钱?)
24、There was a camerafor sale in the window.(橱窗里有一架待售的相机。)
25、The Universal Product Code symbol, also known as the 'bar code', is printed on productsfor sale and contains information that a computer can read.(通用产品代码符号,亦称“条形码”,印在出售的商品上,其中含有计算机能识别的信息。)
26、In 1991, the house was advertisedfor sale at $49,000.(在1991年,这所房子登出以4.9万美元出售的广告。)
27、Only those homes offeredfor sale at competitive prices will secure interest from serious purchasers.(只有那些以具有竞争力的价格出售的房子才能抓住真正购买者的兴趣。)
28、There are many boats, new and used,for sale.(有许多新船和旧船出售。)
29、The house is upfor sale.(这所房子正待出售。)
30、Cut down and trim treesfor sale and transport.(砍伐和修剪树木以供出售和运输。)
for sale
英 [fɔ: seil] 美 [fɔr sel]
出售; 待售