


1、forgive me, but I've sinned. I lied.(请原谅我,我有罪,我说谎了。)

2、Think about the situation, validate the circumstances, andforgive yourself for hurting them.(想想当时的情景和环境,原谅自己曾经伤害了他们。)

3、Everyone makes mistakes. If you can'tforgive others, don't expect others toforgive you.(每个人都会犯错误,如果你不原谅别人,就别指望别人会原谅你。)

4、I canforgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will notforgive.(我可以宽恕,但我不能忘记。这只是“我不宽恕”的另一种说法罢了。)

5、While you mayforgive your smartphone an occasional fault, you probably have less patience for error messages from your door lock.(虽然你可能会原谅你的智能手机偶尔的错误,但你可能对门锁发出的错误信息没有那么大的耐心。)

6、Another requirement forforgiveness of SINS in that weforgive others.(另一个需要宽恕罪行的地方是我们原谅他人。)

7、Will you overlook it this once andforgive me, and let things go on as before?(你能不能原谅我这一次,让事情像以前一样继续下去?)

8、God used a pecan for my "learning toforgive" lesson.(上帝用核桃为我上了一堂“学会宽容”的课。)

9、We all need toforgive others, because we all stumble and fall and require help from others after failure.(我们都需要谅解他人,因为我们都会犯错、跌到,并在失败后寻求他人的帮助。)

10、Heidi went to her room now and prayed earnestly to God that He wouldforgive her and fulfill her wish.(海蒂现在回到自己的房间,恳切地祈求上帝能原谅她,并满足她的愿望。)

11、She needed toforgive herself for exposing the kids to the abuse.(她需要原谅自己让孩子暴露在虐待环境下。)

12、He burst into tears, begging her toforgive him and swearing to pay back everything he had stolen.(他突然哭了起来,求她原谅他并发誓要偿还他偷的所有东西。)

13、She implored him with tears in her eyes toforgive her.(她含泪哀求他原谅她。)

14、Our parents are still growing into qualified fathers and mothers, so we need to understand andforgive them sometimes.(我们的父母也在逐渐成长为合格的父亲和母亲,所以有时候我们需要理解并原谅他们。)

15、Toforgive others is to free you from the disabling chains of unforgiveness.(原谅他人也是使你自己从不原谅的枷锁中得到解放。)

16、Godforgive me, I cracked Tom's head with my thimble, poor boy, poor dead boy.(上帝饶恕我吧,我用顶针敲了汤姆的头,可怜的孩子,可怜的短命孩子啊。)

17、You mightforgive atmospheric scientists for having their heads in the clouds.(你可能会原谅把脑袋埋在云里的大气科学家。)

18、Toforgive by practicingforgiveness.(通过宽恕来谅解别人。)

19、You'd better go and make amends to him. I'm sure he'llforgive you.(你最好是负荆请罪,我相信他会原谅你。)

20、The original quote about human nature went like this: "To err is human, toforgive, divine."(关于人性的原话是这样写的:“犯错是人的行为,而宽恕是神的事情。”)

21、People willforgive philanderers but not monks or priests.(大家可以原谅花花公子,但不会原谅和尚或神父。)

22、Now, pleaseforgive their sin but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.(现在求你赦免他们的罪,不然,求你从你所写的册上把我的名字抹去。)

23、If youforgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will alsoforgive you.(如果你原谅那些对你有错的人,上帝也会饶恕你的过错。)

24、forgive the problems of your wife and family as you would want them toforgive you.(像你希望你的家庭原谅你一样去原谅妻子和孩子的错误。)

25、I asked God, Dottie and my sons toforgive me.(我请求上帝、多蒂和我的儿子原谅我。)

26、Bill Wasik wants Wired readers toforgive him.(比尔•韦斯基希望得到《连线》读者的原谅。)

27、Again, no dice: I don'tforgive the water machine and I don'tforgive my colleague.(这也没用:我不会宽恕那个饮水机,也不会宽恕我的同事。)

forgive 基本释义


英 [fəˈgɪv] 美 [fərˈgɪv] 

形容词: forgivable 副词: forgivably 名词: forgiver 过去式: forgave 过去分词: forgiven 现在分词: forgiving 第三人称单数: forgives
